Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0)

WHY WHY WHY…its awful… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: wasted space …pointless clutter and less logins in window = more scrolling. Why do companies mess for mess sake… So sad… :frowning_face:


I completely agree. FYI, in the browser extension, there is a “Compact Mode” available under Settings > Appearance, but it is really not that compact. I’ve raised this concern during beta testing, in the discussion here, here, here, and here.

FYI, I’ve updated your post title to more accurately reflect the concern that you’ve raised, since the forum is likely to see a large influx of topics posted about the new UI (original title was: “New Update”). I also changed your app tag to app:all, since the UI changes are across the board.


Not to mention why are all the vault items tagged on to the end of the ones for the site you’re visiting? I don’t want these being seen as it is a privacy/security issue in my eyes. Where is the setting to stop this?


My guess is that you’re referring to the “All Items” section of the new “Vault” page design. The new “Vault” page now combines the functions of both the old old “Vault” page (which showed all of your items) and the “Tab” page, which only showed items available for autofilling.

There is no method for separating the two. I think the only work-around would be to define a set of about six blank dummy items, and set them as “Favorites” (which would push down the list of “All Items” out of view).


I find it bizarre that you need a workaround to use the same functionality you had before some clueless designer decided to downgrade their app with an “upgrade”


Well, sadly, there are many users here and in other social media spaces who have complained incessantly about the Bitwarden UI having an “outdated” look (see below for examples form this forum alone), and Bitwarden management evidently gave in to such pressure starting with initial “modernization” efforts in late 2022 (and culminating with this latest release). The only silver lining is that the current product design team seems at least partially open to constructive feedback.


The old browser extension was so much better. This new one is not just ugly, but also very slow and sluggish on my system for some reason. Old one was fast, smooth and easy on the eyes imo. :face_exhaling:


I have just been updated, and I must say there is more buttons and dropdowns that i don’t really need. I use the copy username/password and TOTP options all the time for things that are not web based. Now, instead of a single click I have to double click - one to drop down the copy, the second to select what I want. This is not UI improvement.

The other options I can begrudingly get used to, but this change slows me down.


I’d love the option to revert back to the old version - looking better at the expense of functionality has been an issue hitting so many pieces of software lately.
The multiple clicks to get u/p/2fa especially annoy me.


Your best bet is to join me in my campaign for implementation of a highly functional “Ugly” Mode UI. :see_no_evil:


Strongly agree on this. The new copy dropdowns are a huge downgrade. Almost a dealbreaker, even. I don’t care about the rest of the changes, I can take or leave them, but I need the one-click copies back.


Which settings?

(I am being facetious I am aware of the scroll bar, it’s just terrible)


Anybody who prefers appearance over functionality is bizarre :crazy_face:

Another ridiculous change is that clicking anywhere on the website name …filled the login. Now you have to click the small FILL button. Its the wrong way round. Any sane person can see that.

The app appears briefly for inputting the login. Who cares if it has square or round edges etc.

Without doubt one of the WORSE updates in APP history…


First of all, it appears it obeys default zoom which is a terrible idea if you’re going to use a fixed window. Most sites expect zooming, at least on hidpi, so I use 150 default zoom. Not only does it scroll, but the entire bottom functionality is hidden.

Scrolling down scrolls the page not the box it is in, meaning that scrolling does not pop buttons into view. You need to mouse drag the correct slider or wait for the 700 logins to scroll by.

This is also terrible as a list, which shows me all of 5 logins (fewer if the default filter thing is on). I have more than 9 logins for several sites which is why I use a password manager.

I’m not going to post a screen of every limitation of this new disaster, as to not flood the forums, and instead I am simply going go on a rant. If you don’t care, I understand, this post is over.


I have new UI in my browser extension and it is not good.
I think you need UI/UX (new one if already have). I like old view more. In new one only list is good. Header and footer are to big. Not only bars but buttons.

User feedback is the most important feature after vault. It took me 5 min to find “Ask the Community” and it is not proper feedback feature.

In general I like bitwarden. Thanks for your work!


Majorly agree with this. I pushed for my entire department (and soon whole organization) at work to use Bitwarden and we heavily use the browser extension for things not web based. So many added clicks with this new UI might turn into a dealbreaker. U/P/TOTP, and even adjusting the URL matching, all require clicking a menu and then drop down for almost no reason. There is space to spare, bring these buttons back.

If this is the way Bitwarden is moving we may have to take 1Password up on their offers they’ve been making us.


In all that’s holy PLEASE switch the edit button back to the fill button and put the login back to the website name!!

In all that’s holy please stop showing the entire vault contents on the login page. Make it an option. This is a major data protection flaw and needs putting right. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Also, the new extension is very slow/sluggish. Everything I click seems to lag for a second. Aside from that, it’s visually unappealing compared to the old extension which in my opinion, was better.

There is a discussion here:


Hello and thank for taking the time to share your feedback. We are closely monitoring the feedback on our compact mode setting to see what further adjustments are needed.


New interface, exactly in the spirit of “coloring books, super cool, usability absolute zero”. I don’t understand how you can screw up something that really worked. Not only was it made by a UI/UX amateur who cares more about looks and progressiveness at the expense of quality, but there are plenty of bugs regarding pure functionality. For example, do you really find the nested menu better in OTP when before it was right in that line in a nice logical way, login, pass, otp. Do you think it was unnecessary anymore when just a bunch of sites will never automatically populate well?

The best and most skillful password manager I’ve paid for since the early days and ran away from LastPass now makes such a tragic mistake. You guys are like Authy designers :smiley: They screwed up that OTP manager on android too.
I can’t believe this made it into the final product.

Seriously, listen to the community and whoever pushed this is not entitled to a paycheck.

But adding the ability to create a directory when creating a password, no. A feature that is completely obvious and practical, it doesn’t exist to this day. And one can pre-click to another place and calculate the directory structure in advance. That’s pretty stupid, too.