UI Design Critique 3: Publicly show important options on the item itself

Publicly show important options on the item itself.

Photo of NordPass on iOS:

Photo of Bitwarden on iOS:

NordPass displays options at the top in a row, which is “attach file, share, and more”, without hiding these options behind a single tappable object.

In contrast, Bitwarden hides all these options at the top, next to the edit button in the three dots.

Addressing this issue could enhance usability.

How does this differ from this feature request:

Would you like yours to be merged into that one, so that the votes add up?

This post has nothing to do with autofill. It has to do with the options displayed under the three dots that are hidden.

I am asking to make them visible like NordPass so that they are more prominently accessible:

Bitwarden on iOS:

NordPass on iOS:

I have no clue how it looks on Desktop or Android. But this is how iOS is treating those options. By hiding them.

If you want to check out my other UI critiques and vote on them. You can find them here:

The other request is asking that the “autofill” button be added to view-item. As I understand your request, you are asking that favorite, clone and assign be added to view-item.

Seems like one request that all the actions be added to the view-item would garner more votes than either individually.

![image|497x500, 50%]

I seem to recall seeing an existing request that all the actions be added to view-item; I just can not find it at the moment.

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Seems like one request that all the actions be added to the view-item would garner more votes than either individually.

Idk as they want a different thing then what I am suggesting.

I am more specifically talking about publicly adding hidden options in the item itself. and they want something with autofill.

I have no problem with the edit/fill button. So, I don’t know why you are pointing to edit and highlighting fill?

updated picture for clarity

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Oh I gotcha now. Yeah it could be added there or above item details. For the extension.

For the iOS/Android app, I like how NordPass presented it. Alternatively, I would like to see a design that fits Bitwarden’s aesthetic.