UI Design Critique 4: Improvements to the “My Vault” page on iOS and Android

Improvements to the “My Vault” page on iOS and Android.

NordPass used as a reference of how it could look.

Photos of NordPass on iOS:

Photos of Bitwarden on iOS:

NordPass boasts a visually appealing and clutter-free interface. Instead of overwhelming the screen with unnecessary information, it effectively organizes categories in a clean and organized manner.

In my opinion, Bitwarden should adopt a similar approach. Instead of displaying items not in folders on the main screen and showing all user-created folders, it should prioritize showing what is necessary. Like Login menu, Card menu, Identity menu, Secure note menu, a Folder menu, and Trash

For instance, on the Bitwarden homepage, I have 28 folders listed in a row as seen in the photos above. After navigating through all the folders I created, I have to go past 20 items not in folders before I can finally reach the trash. This can be cumbersome and time-consuming depending on how many items/folders the user has.

If you want to check out my other UI critique and vote on it. You find it here:

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Continuation: If you want to check out my other UI critiques and vote on them. You can find them here:

Are you suggesting that in the iOS app, the vault panes (favorites,types, folders, etc) ought to be collapsible?

No, I’m perfectly satisfied with the current functionality.

What I am critiquing here is the UI.

I’m requesting that some of the unnecessary clutter be removed.

For instance, I created 28 folders, and all of them appear on the homescreen. Similarly, items that aren’t associated with folders are also visible.

I want it to be streamlined, like NordPass. Only the categories are visible, and you can simply tap them to view them.

Here’s what the Bitwarden homepage (vault page) would look like if updated:

  • Login
  • Card
  • Identity
  • Secure note
  • Folders
  • Trash

If people still prefer the “No folder” section, it could be added to the folder menu. In the menu it would have a section to display a list of all items that are not present in a folder. Alternatively, it could be created as a separate menu.

  • Login
  • Card
  • Identity
  • Secure note
  • No Folder
  • Folders
  • Trash

That way, it will be out of the way on the main page.

This design critique is also not limited to iOS; it can also be implemented for Android devices aswell.

It seems to me that these already function in the way that you want… just the title shows up and then when you click on them, the contents is displayed.

  • Login
  • Card
  • Identity
  • Secure note
  • Trash

Is that what you are looking for with the Folders and No-Folder panes?

I struggle to understand what you are requesting. Are you suggesting that you want the section called folders to consist only of a single line named “folders” and when you want to find a folder you tap Folders, at which time the list of folders is displayed?

Ditto for No Folders?

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Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting.

That is why the NordPass photo is there as a reference this is what I expect it to look like (but with Bitwarden’s design obviously):

Just the menus. Nothing else.

Check out this reddit posting by a Bitwarden employee. In it he reports that Bitwarden is adding the ability to collapse the All Items section in the browser extension. That is, click on All items and they are shown; click again and they disappear.

Seems to me that you are asking a similar thing for Folders section of the mobile app.

Does that sound a reasonable solution that fits within Bitwarden’s current design language?

That’s not what I’m suggesting.

The extension requires different functionalities and design language compared to a mobile app. I believe the extension works well. However, some users may not agree with me on that. Nevertheless, I think the drop-down approach is suitable for the extension, but not for the mobile app versions.

If Bitwarden were to decide and change the look of the vault section in the extension app, they still need to consider the functionality of the extension compared to the app on a phone. Which I think they understand and that is why the extension app functions differently compared to the desktop app and the mobile apps.

I’m referring to a design that enhances the user experience on a smartphone. In my opinion, the current user interfaces is cluttered in the vault page on iOS and Android which makes the experience subpar.

The way NordPass implements this design language aligns with my expectations for how it should function based on the main post. For a smartphone.

And now here lies the problem. I do not have Nordpass, so I do not know what they do when “folders” is clicked. Few others on this forum likely do either. That is why I am trying to express your request in “Bitwarden” terms and bitwarden design patterns that can reach a larger voting audience.

So, if Bitwarden wants to put these categories I quoted. In the extension with a dropdown menu I am all for it for the extension.

For the mobile app, it should be a tap-and-enter menu, similar to the one used for Login, Card, Secure Note, and Trash.

I believe that is possible, but unless the goal is to clone Nordpass, a video is not “actionable”, in that it does not state what you want changed and in terms that Bitwarden users (who would vote on the topic) would understand.

That, I understand. You want things to open on a new-page in the mobile applications, but expand/collapse in the browser extensions.

And, you want the folders / no folders section to open in a new page like the login/card/identity sections.

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Since you specifically are referring to the mobile app, I updated the tags to “app:mobile” (instead of app:all) and added “os:ios”.

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