UI Design Critique: Things to improve

I appreciate Bitwarden’s UI tweaks, as they enhance the app’s visual appeal. However, I believe it still falls short in terms of readability and user-friendliness.

Here is NordPass on iOS:

Here is Bitwarden on iOS:

NordPass presents its icon in the center, with the title scaled differently from the password field and URL field. This design enhances the item’s recognition and legibility at a glance. Additionally, NordPass displays options at the top in a row, which is “attach file, share, and more”, without hiding these options behind a single tappable object.

In contrast, Bitwarden hides all these options at the top, next to the edit button in the three dots.

Addressing these issues will enhance readability and usability.

Lastly, I forgot to mention:

Picture of NordPass on iOS:

Look at how presentable this is. Instead of items not in folders appearing, it simply shows the categories.

This is how Bitwarden should implement it. Instead of showing items that are not in folders and all folders made on the main screen to maintain a presentable appearance.

As I have 28 folders listed down a row on the homepage, once I get past all the folders I created, I then have to get past items that aren’t in folders before I can finally reach the trash.

@Terrance Nothing against your general ideas… but: Feature requests must be able to provide a meaningful vote for something relatively concrete. As you are raising a few points at the same time - and it is unclear what a “vote” would mean then, I change this for now into “Ask the Community” category.

Feel free to open a new feature request with (more or less) one concrete thing to be able to vote for.

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@Nail1684 I don’t understand how my features are not concrete.

I am asking for a reworking of the UI which is the main request. The votes would go to all of these issues I raised. That would be to fix the scaling problems with how text is presented and how there are hidden actions behind a tappable menu. The way folders are listed on the homepage and how items not in folders are presented on the homepage which makes it harder to get to the trash. All of these UI quirks make it harder on usability and readability.

How do you think I should rework it? As, I don’t know how to go about that.

Example: If I wanted the icon in the middle like with NordPass (so pro “vote”), but wanted the view of folders like they are now in the BW mobile app remaining (so contra “vote”) - how should I vote then?

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Okay, I understand the issue. However, I’m hesitant to make more than one request and then have them removed (because of doing so), as I might have to create three or four separate requests for each individual UI tweak.

I think it’s okay, if you make more than one request. Try to “group” general ideas - and that as “concrete” as possible. :wink:

PS: As I see your feature requests now, an addition (and maybe not even for you personally, but for all possible future readers): Of course, more feature requests are no problem - “grouped” but “concrete” enough to result in a meaningful vote - but of course, it’s always a good idea, to search first if there are already existing feature requests.

And every new feature request we get here is going to be checked for “is there already a similar/same existing feature request?”.

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If you want to check out my UI critiques and where you can vote on them. You can find them here: