Reconfirm whether family plan includes all premium features


We just signed up for the family plan. However, we still have no access to premium features (attachments, 2FA with Duo etc).

Billing for the family plan only kicks in 7 days from now. Is that to say that we will only get the premium features in 7 days?

You may need to log out and back into any clients you were logged into previously, your premium features kick in immediately.

If you’re not able to see premium stuff like TOTP, advanced two-step, etc. after trying the above, definitely reach out here: - we’re here, even during the holidays :sunglasses:

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Ok I logged out of all my clients and logged back in. I do have access to premium features now. Thanks.

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This might be of help for starting to manage the family:

Make sure to take a look at the last step for adding a new user to your family organization.
Inviting the other party and them accepting your invitation is not good enough. Another step from you is necessary: You have to confirm their acceptance. To realize about this took me like 3 days.

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Families doesn’t include premium features for me.

I cancelled my families subscription and I’m going to perhaps do x2 individuals instead. Need to compare to lastpass families, I think x2 individuals will be cheaper on here, but I do value the sharing aspect, shame this can’t do both.

Did you perhaps still have the old family plan that did not include Premium?
(For details see here.)

If instead you are already on the new family plan and still don’t see the premium features, just log out and then back in. If the issue persists contact the Bitwarden support team.