An error has occurred. → on iPhone iOS version 16

I use Bitwarden since a while and recently on my iPhone 8 Plus (iOS) I have this error message pop up when I try to access Bitwarden App.

It is not quite clear since when this error occurred but it used to work fine and recently (maybe three weeks ago) when I start the app it throws this error and I have no access to anything.

Does anyone have an idea what is wrong or how to fix it?
Thank you!

Hi Uwe-A, what version of iOS are you running and what version of the Bitwarden app do you have installed?

Ever tried to deinstall and reinstall the app? (or before that and if it is possible: log out and log back in again)

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It occurs on iPhone iOS version 16. Thank you!

After fumbling around for a bit, deinstall, restart and all that, the app seems to work again.
Thank you very much!

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