Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0)

All vault items are accessible in or from every Bitwarden app, be it the desktop app, mobile app, web vault, old and new browser extension… It may be a valid feature request, if you wanted restricted access by default (though if I understand you correctly, you still wanted auto-fill suggestions, so one approach to bypass that restriction to all vault items would be to go to a website to get access to the vault item?! - On the other hand, one could argue that by logging in or unlocking, you are already lifting such restriction to all vault items…). And if it would be a “consistent” feature, that would mean a change for every Bitwarden app.

PS: To be clear, I also would like a default collapsed view of all vault items. But your suggestion would mean a fundamental change in how all BW apps would grant access to all vault items or not.

As @DenBesten mentioned his post from last week as a response to you @Casjen , I would like to pick that up, as it wasn’t clear to me what you meant back then. You wrote:

So, what did you mean by that exactly? “When you visit a site” sounded and still sounds to me like you assume, that the “All items” view get’s exposed to the website you’re visiting?!

My understanding is, that the “All items” view is mainly a problem regarding “opening the extension (laptop…) in public” / shoulder surfing / video conferences (if not anything else, than at least by mistakenly letting the extension open and “in the view”) and the like.

And of course, that privacy concerns is also a security concern then.

But I personally wouldn’t call the “All items” view a breach per se, because nothing get’s “breached” by it’s existence itself, as I understand it (or am I wrong here?). Though, I would agree to call it a vulnerability, like in public/shoulder surfing/video conferences etc.

Gripe 1: Escape key should go back, not close the extension popup. When I click an item outside the “Fill” button (because i have a lot of muscle memory for that), I need to go back to the initial popup UI so I can click that “Fill” button.

So what happens now is I get to a site where I need to login, I click the Firefox extension for BitWarden, I click (by muscle memory) anywhere on the relevant entry, then I realize I need to go back so I hit Escape on my keyboard (again, by muscle memory) which closes the popup BUT WHEN I GO BACK INTO THE EXTENSION IT STILL HASN’T GONE BACK.So I hit Escape again and keep repeating until I realize I’m doing muscle memory stuff and manually go click the back arrow and then manually click Fill

Gripe 2: I used to be able to click the Copy button to copy a 2FA OTP. Now after clicking the Copy button I additionally have to click on “Copy verification code”. Why on earth would a “copy button” be changed to a “button that looks like a copy button but which reveals an additional copy button”? This is an absolutely mind boggling decision.

These UI changes have been so disruptive and so irritating that I created an account here just to complain about them. I’m glad I’m not alone here.

I genuinely thought BitWarden was better than this disease in the tech industry of forcing unnecessary UI changes that make the UX worse. I guess no tech company is immune to it, though.

There is a checkbox on each vault entry to enable just that. It can be used to prevent viewing things that are hidden behind • • • • , which includes all the sensitive authentication information. (Note: vault entry names, usernames, and URLs are identification, not authentication).

To be clear, the Esc closed the popup also in the old browser extension UI.

I think that what is really bothering you is the new behavior that remembers the last open view in the browser extension.

My own proposal is to remedy this problem by making available a
:house: Home button at the top of every page.

In the meantime, one work-around is to click on a different browser tab, then click back to the original tab. This resets the UI “memory”, and allows you to return to the original Vault view.

Welcome to the forum! Both your gripes can be solved by changing a few settings: Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0) - #107 by FaviFake

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Thanks, I didn’t realize until now, that the UI “persistence” is that “fragile”. :sweat_smile: (and BTW, I think, just one click on “back” might actually be quicker here :wink: )

In noxypaws’s use-case, maybe (unless they have already pressed the Esc key by habit). But is is possible to get very deep into the UI levels, such that a large number of “Back” clicks are necessary to return to the Vault page. For example, try to make 4 exports from the browser extension UI (e.g., two formats each for an individual vault and an org vault): now, you need 10 clicks to return to the Vault view (9 “Back” clicks before the bottom navigation bar re-appears, followed by 1 click on the “Vault” icon).

Whatever this is - it is also some kind of User Experience, I guess… - I already understood the need for a Home button, the first time it was mentioned here.


The latest Bitwarden update for Chrome is causing iFrame popups on our website to auto-close. This issue does not occur on Firefox.

Steps to reproduce:

Install only the Bitwarden Chrome extension and log in.
Open an iFrame popup on the website – it auto-closes immediately.
Uninstall Bitwarden and try again – the iFrame popup stays open as expected.

Our popup closes when someone clicks outside it, so I am thinking bitwarden is emulating a click on page? Not sure.

This issue is disrupting our users. Please investigate and resolve this at the earliest.

Our page is behind login so it’s not possible to share page link.

Thank you.

@Abhinav_Raut Welcome to the forum!

And thanks for that report!

If you can, please report that as a bug (“New issue”) on GitHub (Issues · bitwarden/clients · GitHub) as bugs don’t get tracked here on the forum. Put in as many details as you can, so that the Bitwarden team would be able to replicate it.


One thing I thought about after making that suggestion is that there are many of us out there (including myself) that have multiple web browsers with the Bitwarden extension installed.

So having to customize every extension per web browser is time consuming and tedious. It would be nice if the settings can be synced and saved to our accounts. However, there are also some individuals that want different settings per extension so there would need to be an override option.

This would be similar to policies in Bitwarden organizations. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible unless there is more to it than that.

Use case: I manage a Bitwarden organization and deploy the web browser extension via GPO to all of our 50+ servers as these servers are RDS servers and we use local profiles not roaming profiles.


We’re weeks further and NOTHING is fixed. Hitting the item still does not fill the login data, but opens the item details instead.

Why are we still of this version?


That is available again with extension version 2024.12.4 (released 3 days ago and Edge and Chrome already approved it - only Firefox is still on 2024.12.3 - PS: Oh, and I think the Mac App Store is still on 2024.12.1 :no_mouth:).

When you have it: Settings → Auto-fill → Click items to autofill on Vault view


So we need an extension (from Github?!) to improve a failing extension?


I think you misunderstand the process here. Every extension version get’s released on GitHub first - and get’s from there to the app stores (and they approve it - and then you get the update). And yes, obviously new functions need new versions/releases. I don’t see how it could work any other way?!

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So this version will come to the extension stores of all browsers in a while?

Yes. The same as if the old extension had gotten an update.

(though, to be comprehensive: technically, it can happen, that the app stores are so slow with the approval process (looking at you, Mozilla), that from time to time a version may get skipped - if in the meantime further versions get released by Bitwarden - and then perhaps the newer version get’s approved instead of the older version… but again, more or less all Bitwarden apps get released on GitHub first - and distributed from there, so to speak)

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Alright, we’ll have to wait then.

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An alternative to synchronizing would be the ability to export and import all settings.

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