Top menu bar no more visible on Mac OS

Dear all,

I use Bitwarden desktop app on Mac OS Big Sur 11.6.2. I’ve just noticed that the top menu bar is no more visible, that means preferences are no more available either… I don’t know which version I’m using, because unable to access preferences :man_shrugging:

I’v tried to uninstall / reinstall the app without success…

Just no idea what this happens…

Hey @BHuck74 I’m able to see it on my end, but you can open a ticket with the support team at Get in Touch | Bitwarden for additional assistance if you don’t get any replies here.

Thank you so much @bw-admin for you prompt answer.

Actually it works but I need to click on the Bitwarden icon in the menu bar to make the menu reappear :slight_smile:
CleanShot 2022-11-16 at 14.47.41

I discovered that by chance. Looks like a little bug but the workaround is fine :slight_smile:


It sounds like you have an app in full screen mode.