Smooth import needed

Importing from e.g. 1Password

Smooth import from other password managers, e.g. 1Password, urgently required.

Feature function

Currently the import can’t be called import. I exported 2000+ entries from 1Password (1pif) and tried to import them into Bitwarden. Standard items. Nothing special. Some have notes, most have TOTP. Not possible since Bitwarden limits Notes size to 10000 characters. Which ones? No idea. No info from Bitwarden, it just cancelled everything and did not import a single one.

I know that I could spend hours and edit the 1pif with some text editor but this is not a solution for me. I would already have to live with a lot less functions (compared to 1Password).

So my suggestions are

a) either don’t limit the Notes field to 10k characters OR import only the first 10k and then display on a separate page what exactly is missing.

b) Import TOTP so that it can be immediately used. At the moment one has to manually edit each entry. Manually editing may be fine for 20… 30. But thousands?

c) Possibility to set an import folder. Why? I can imagine some (a lot?) first want to play around with Bitwarden, have their 20… 30 items and later want to move the other hundreds to Bitwarden. Since some may be double, it could help to set a folder during import (of course drag and drop would be good as well).

(IMO an import is one of the most important things. Without a working import people won’t switch. And by working import I don’t mean 1P’s solution (created by third parties, scripts which require Python, etc.) … a one click import directly from the app, please :pray:)

Same priority for me. My Bitwarden renewal came up today but I cannot renew until there is a robust import from 1Password. For me, Secure Notes including attachments is essential.
Thank you.

This might be of help:

Thank you @Peter_H. It does have a basic import for 1Password data, however it doesn’t work consistently and needs development to get it to a state which would allow 1Password users to migrate without headaches…

But did you actually take a look at that link? It specifically mentions your problem:

Troubleshooting Import Errors

Ciphers[X].Login: The field yyyy exceeds the maximum encrypted value length of zzzz characters.

I did look at the link. I guess I’m hoping that at some point we’ll arrive to a place where a typical user wanting to migrate from 1Password to Bitwarden won’t be faced with wading through CSV files and unpicking accumulated errors and that the import will “just work”. It’s clear to me that the Bitwarden developers are talented enough to make this happen, it’s more a question of priorities and timeframes…
Thanks again @Peter_H.

I’m sorry to say it like this, but the current import process is truly garbage. If I specify the collection ID in my import file (bitwarden JSON), Why is a new collection created with the same name? Why are accounts duplicated?

Custom code development shouldn’t be a requirement to import account information.


Import inside a folder directly can be great. i have personal folder and work folder for all websites CMS logins. i needed to go one by one and put those in the right folder. took a lot of time and was annoying and consuming task.

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I started out with Bitwarden, but I could see how people coming from other services would want this.


how can i vote for this feature request? I wanted to post a feature-request or vote for “import into a folder” because I already have data in bitwarden and this bit from the import-from-Chrome documentation:

  1. Import to Bitwarden can’t check whether items in the file to import are duplicative of items in your Vault. This means that importing multiple files will create duplicative Vault items if an item is already in the Vault and in the file to import.

This^ means I’ve chosen to simply not import because I don’t want to clobber and ruin the organizational effort I put into my vault. feature request: This could be obviated so easily by simply letting me say put this import into auto-generated folder (eg 2021-11-21-Import_from-CSV)

c) Possibility to set an import folder.


(sorry if this “how to vote” question is answered here… I’m just not seeing the answer)

Hi @qsu - to cast your vote for a feature request, just click the blue Vote button that is at the very top of the thread:

Regarding imports from Chrome - yes, it is a pain because of all the duplicates that Chrome saves in its logins. I went through this as well, and I wish Chrome organized credentials a lot better.

There is a feature request to remove duplicate entries, if you are interested in supporting it:


ah thanks David! idk how I missed that.

I wish Chrome organized credentials a lot better.

I don’t think it’s a Chrome problem; really anything I import, I’d like to control where that import lands.

I see what you’re saying about chrome, though that seems more like a “I’m using two password managers in parallel, and creating some duplicate entries - I’d like bitwarden to help de-dupe them” (which also sounds like a cool feature, but different).

The “import-to-folder” feature I’m hoping is much simpler for the bitwarden team to implement.

I wonder if I should break out to a separate thread, since this is a generalized “smooth import” (which again, I agree with most points above), so this distinct import-to-folder feature can be focused on.

I think the idea to import into a specified folder is a good one, @qsu. I did a quick search and didn’t find that anyone had suggested this previously, so definitely go ahead and create a new feature request for that, if you like.

Regarding Chrome logins, I think the problem is that Chrome will create a set of login credentials for each unique URL, which means that addresses in the same domain or hostname will get imported with multiple entries. And Chrome is not unique in this respect, hence the feature request for removing duplicates in Bitwarden.

One workaround for this is to go to your Bitwarden vault and make sure all of your existing entries are stored in an existing folder (i.e., make sure that if you click on My Vault → No Folder, there are no entries there). Since Chrome does not organize its credentials in folders, when you import your Chrome .csv file, Bitwarden will add them all to the vault but not place any of those credentials within an existing folder. If you use the Web Vault, you can then select all the entries listed under No Folder and bulk move them anywhere you like. I hope that helps!

EDIT: I should have also mentioned that if you have Microsoft Excel, you can open your CSV file that Chrome produced and use the Remove Duplicates feature (in the Data tab) to remove duplicate entries based on the columns Name and Username (or Name, Username, and Password), but you may wish to experiment with this a bit to ensure it is doing what you expect.

oh, thanks! done: ✅ Allow importing into a folder, to cordon off the import's results from your well kept vault

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designating folder for import is REALLY NEEDED.

a possible solution for the 10K character limit would be to convert the note to an attachment and add it.

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i can’t figure out why import to folder doesn’t have thousands of upvotes!!! new users go through the pain of working around this limitation and then forget about it? i’ve worked through it but will never forget the pain.

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