How to update version

I have searched all over the internet and inside the application and can’t find how to update the version I have. Why is it so difficult to find this information or update it? It’s supposed to be updated automatically by default but I definitely have never turned it off when I can’t figure out how to update or find where to change the automatic setting. Can someone please tell me how to update my version and while were at it how to backup everything since I have found posts that recommend that?

@mikez1968 Hi!

Well, which Bitwarden app(s) are you talking about?

And what are their versions?

There’s more than one app?

Why do you need the version? I can tell you how to update ANY phone without you telling me what the phone is so why not this app?

I’m able to find the version in the about section and it’s versions 2024.11.2. Most “about” sections also have a button to click to update it but not this one???

Why is it so difficult?

Chrome Browser Extension
Firefox Browser Extension
Mac Desktop App
Windows Desktop App
iPhone Mobile App
Android Mobile App

… and a bunch of less main-stream ones too.

To make things more complicated, not all of the app-stores update at the same time.

So yes, details are needed for a precise answer.

@DenBesten gave the answer already… Authenticator app, CLI and Linux desktop app should also get mentioned.

To see if there is a newer version. E.g. many people want to update the Firefox browser extension to version 2024.12.4 at the moment - but Mozilla only approved version 2024.12.3 for Firefox. So, even if you wanted to update your Firefox version to 2024.12.4 - it wouldn’t be possible at the moment.

As you already wrote, most BW apps should update automatically… If you would tell us, what Bitwarden app you want to update, we might be able to guide you. But even the concrete steps of a manual update depend on which of the many apps you use.

You are most likely on v2024.10.0, which is the current “stable” version. The latest version v2025.1.0 is a phased rollout which currently only 15% of the people see. If you need to get the latest version now, you’ll have to sideload it. If you get upset about what people asked you here, you may want to wait until the app is automatically updated for you, because you may run into problems you don’t like:

@Neuron5569 Actually, 2024.11.2 sounds more like a browser extension version… But which browser? :thinking:

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Nail1684 nailed it! :rofl: I use two browsers Firefox and Opera and the issue is with Firefox and you explained why it isn’t updated. The Opera is version 2024.12.4.

I would still like to know how to turn auto updates on/off and know how to update in the future.

Thanks to Nail1684 for the answer!

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I think I didn’t explain it, because your Firefox version should be on 2024.12.3 :sweat_smile:

Now we are talking. :sweat_smile:

In Firefox, search for the “extensions symbol”:


It should be near the Bitwarden icon - in the top right corner of the browser window.

Click on it - and click on “manage extensions”.

On the left, choose “extensions”.

Now you should see the Bitwarden extension in the list (it should be “activated”). Click on it.

Now you see settings for the Bitwarden extension. Set “Allow automatic updates” to ‘default’ (you could also choose “on”), if it wasn’t. - That’s for enabling automatic updates again if it was turned off.

You can also “force” a manual update by clicking on the “gear” symbol - I marked it in red here (and if you click that, the menu you see in the screenshot as well should open - and the first point should be “check for updates (now)” - click on it… if the extension is set to “automatic update” it should then do the update without even asking you…):

(as you maybe can see, I loosely translate from German, so the exact terms may be a little bit different in English or your language)