It would be great to have a global OS shortcut to search and copy in the clipboard passwords.
I miss this feature which is available on some alternative as Lastpass to complete out-of-browser login form : apps, servers, etc…
At this point, I’ve found a workaround with a Alfred Workflow.
But synchronization has regular bugs… quite boring.
I could be easily a native feature.
Also I would like a Shortcut to start the bitwarden desktop client, so I can quickly search, copy & paste credentials from the bitwarden client to any 3rd party app (which is not necessary a web-app)
I’m a little bit lost:
I found this FR to be voted upon but I also found this pull request that was already merged.
I’d be keen to work on it maybe, but I’m not sure if there is agreement on the approach for implementing this? or maybe it was already implemented but I somehow don’t see it enabled by default?
After reviewing the PR mentioned in my previous comment I saw that the global shortcuts code has been reverted. However, the initial need still stays and using OS-level global shortcut definition is just a workaround, while it should actually belong to the application itself.
I think 1Password 8’s search & copy experience is really well designed so it would be a good thing to reference if you can. It acts like spotlight and I can search for items, copy secrets, copy TOTP codes, or open items from the keyboard.
I’d settle for a shortcut that’d at least pull up the vault and would put focus into search combined with some normal app keyboard shortcuts.
It would be wonderful to have this global quick search / copy / TOTP feature. I have been using the Alfred workflow, but recent CLI changes broke it. I now realize how dependent I had become on it, my productivity is way down since having to go back to the slow way of fetching logins via the browser toolbar.