Bitwarden Safari Super Slow

I am running Bitwarden 2024.2.0 and running into issues with the Safari browser extension. Chrome works incredibly quickly/effectively but the Safari extension takes a few seconds to load each time and even longer to populate fields. Has anyone else encountered this?

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+1 The lag is still experienced in 2024.3.0 released March 13

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Same here:

  • Sonoma 14.4.1
  • Bitwarden 2024.4.1

Used to be super fast, but since about 2 months it is annoyingly slow.

Same here, everything up to date. It has been borderline unusable for months now.

Same here.

I hope update more fast :slight_smile:

On iPhone too :slight_smile:

I just came here specifically searching for this. I’m new to Bit Warden but it seems to be terribly slow for passwords in safari, but the Desktop app and Chrome work quite snappy. Has any way to fix this issue been found yet?

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Used to be really slow with Safari for me but was fixed about a week or so ago. I’m on Version 2024.5.0 (24604).

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That’s the version I’m on, when I first installed it, it was fine. Then it just started randomly being really slow. Not sure what’s causing it, but it has stopped me swapping over to it fully so far. I really like the way it works when it does work, Just the slow down at the moment is putting me off, I keep having to flip back to KeyChain

@CelticWebs What is your MacOS version? And Safari version?


MacOS 14.5 (23F79)
Safari Version 17.5 (19618.

A restart of safari seems to fix it, I’m not sure if it’s the large number of passwords in the database or the fact that I’ve often got multiple windows with large numbers of tabs.

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Here extremely slow – or just not functional (seems to unlock, but doesn’t insert a single username or password though they are visible for me).
If completely non-functional,

  1. it doesn’t show the red sign with the number of detected accounts –
    2.but shows all records of the account in the small Bitwarden-Safari-window (after opening this actively)
    Restart of computer (MB Air M2 2022), Safari and deactivating/activating of the extension doesn’t change this behavior.
    macOS 13.6.7
    Safari 17.5 (18618., 18618)
    Bitwarden 2024.6.1

I am not experiencing that problem, with a difference that I am on MacOS 14.5, same Bitwarden and Safari, slightly older Macbook. Is that OS upgrade an option for you (obviously it is for your computer)?

No, actually upgrading macOS isn’t an option.

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its also blocking human verification from Cloudflare.

When I turn the extension off and reload the page this error is gone.

Piling on here, super slow for me as well, at first it was slightly annoying but it’s adding up to real frustration.

+1 here, piling on. The Bitwarden Safari browser extension is very slow to respond at times.

Behavior: Clicking on the extension icon often results in the attached screen shot. It looks as if it’s waiting for the vault to be unlocked, but that’s not correct. Within about 10-20 seconds, a retry will show the matching vault login entries, as expected. This behavior is NOT consistent - sometimes it works without delay. I can’t detect any pattern in the behavior. Have tried “Clear Storage” in the Safari extension settings, but no apparent change.

Desktop app: v. 2024.6.4
Extension: v. 2024.6.1
MacBook OS: Sonoma 14.5 (14.5 (23F79)), 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Safari: Version 17.5 (19618.
No apparent memory leak; current Bitwarden extension memory usage is about 373MB
This is a recent issue (only started happening within the last month or so; sorry not to be more precise).

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The current BW Safari extension is maddening with the behavior described as above (as is the iOS Mobile app: having to double-close open items).
macOS 14.5
Mac mini M1, 2020
Safari 17.5 (19618.
Bitwarden Mac App 2024.6.4 (26239)
Bitwarden Safari Extension Version: 2024.6.1, Server version: 2024.7.2

I’m pleased to report that upgrading to version 2024.8.0 seems to have solved my issues. If you’re interested in the under-the-hood details, see the GitHub discussion at Safari extension locked constantly · Issue #9850 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub.