Autocomplete default username (+random password) when creating new entries (or option in generator)

When creating new entries, I always have to type in the same old email addresses and usernames that I use with almost every other site. It would be great if there was a way to speed up this process, for examples with an autocomplete functionality on the username that suggests commonly used usernames from your other entries.

What it could look like:

There are two ways I could see this working, either the data from the autocomplete comes from what you’ve used with other entries, or it only takes as suggestions the email addresses from your identities that you’ve created.

I would like to explore this idea as it is an annoyance for me and prevents me from quickly set up new entries with just a few mouse clicks (for password I always use the generator). As I’m a developer I’d like to implement this feature if other people would like something like this too, and if it’s feasible (as in, it doesn’t require a change in the API or would lead to secrecy concerns, for example).


Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but every time I use the chrome extension to add a username for a new item, I have to manually type it in. It’s not a big deal, just inefficient.

Would it be possible to have usernames remembered with the option of auto-filling?


I just created this account for the sole purpose of creating this request. Anyone else tired of typing in the whole e-mail address all the time?


Just a small addition that I would find very useful, but when adding a new entry, and typing in the email/ username, it would be great if Bitwarden suggested the emails and other usernames from preexisting entries.

Like Keepass:

Hopefully this can be implemented!
Thanks :slight_smile:


Interesting idea - and perhaps also emails from identity items?


Perhaps also! That would be great. Just a small feature :slight_smile:

Indeed, Lastpass did this brilliantly. Please add this.

Also, can you merge [deleted link] into this one?


Since BW, unlike LastPass, in most cases doesn’t prompt to save newly entered credentials, I have to enter the credentials manually. For that, it would be great if the username field had auto-suggestion based on the recently used ones (in most cases, that would be one of the emails I use).


I guess this could be either automatic (like your said) or manual (option to define list of username/email suggestions). Either way, this would be really nice addition!

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Yes please!
Even it’s just a small button (like next to password with pw generation) that enters your primary email address. I think that feature would save me a lot of time :slight_smile:


There are two ways I could see this working, either the data from the autocomplete comes from what you’ve used with other entries, or it only takes as suggestions the email addresses from your identities that you’ve created.

Or both? Maybe this behavior could be configurable in settings.

Also, I would suggest to extend the autocomplete functionality to other contexts as well. For example, I often find myself adding the same custom field to many entries. Autocomplete on the name of custom field would make it less tedious.

Feature name

Suggestions of previously used emails and user names for the “username” text box in the New Item activity

Feature function

-We try to create a new item, while in username textbox, it should show previously used email/usernames

Related topics + references

  • Are there any related topics that may help explain the need and function of this feature?
    No, I guess
  • Are there any references to this feature or function on other platforms that may be helpful?
    I tried to take a screenshot for illustration but can’t take it as it doesn’t allow

It is by far the feature I miss the most from LastPass. It’s not a problem on mobile as the android keyboard suggests email addresses, but on desktop:

  • the “changed password” and “new password” prompts don’t always work
  • while firefox suggests emails for fields, it does not (cannot?) suggest them for bitwarden fields

Currently my workflow is:

  • fill the info on the website
  • create a new password using bitwarden and paste it in the website
  • create an account and hope the prompt is launched

But sometimes:

  • the website does not allow pasting passwords
  • bitwarden does not detect the account creation

In those cases, I create a new entry by hand


Someone has worked on a related feature that is pending review: Default usernames

Though it is using a new dropdown menu rather than auto-completion/suggestion in existing username field.

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not just for browser - app as well please! This would be so useful and save time!

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Hope this feature request gets revived. I had this same thought not too long ago and finally got around to making an account just to find others having the same issue.

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Definitely need this feature! Please! Also have it be case-sensitive because that is also important for some people with OCD like me :slight_smile:

As an mobile user, when I’m registering on a website I want to use Bitwarden to create a new Login as quickly as possible.

At present I have to do the following on iOS:
Tap the username text Box, select Passwords in the keyboard, select Bitwarden, select “+” to create a new login, type a username, select to Generate Password, fix the name of the site (optional), select a Folder (optional), Save to return to the browser. Not too bad but on mobile this is a bit of typing and redundant taps.

I would be great if Bitwarden could automate most of this process to register with 1 tap. Some suggestions below:

  1. in the iOS keyboard pick list, could BW recognise no login matching that App/URL exists and offer a “Create Login” option with a default email address and new random password.

I realise this might be stretching the iOS integration. Alternatively,

  1. when the BW action sheet opens, always have an item in the list to “Create new login” (even if there are existing logins for this site). Perhaps have a two modes:
    a) tap to auto create a new login with a default email address and generated password, returning immediately to the website to auto fill the registration form, or
    b) tap the “details” icon (eg “…”) to Edit the new login details before returning to the site.

  2. The New Login should attempt to pre-populate every field as follows:
    a) Name - should be the name of the site from the HTML Title not the URL. Or use the domain name of the URL without the TLD (e.g. “Google” not “”)
    b) Username - should be a default username define in settings, with a dropdown list of all unique usernames used on other Logins sorted most popular at the top (e.g. usually a combination or personal and work email addresses and aliases for most people)
    c) Password - a new generated password using default settings/strength

The goal for Bitwarden should be to make it more convenient to adopt good security practices than not using Bitwarden, so BW optimises new account creation user experience.

I love the product but as an open source project it feels like a product designed by developers and lacks some of the polish and delightful UX moments of the commercial software. I suggest enlisting a UX person and having a push on usability to make Bitwarden more mainstream to further promote good Internet security and grow the community. Keep up the great work!

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can you add auto-fill feature like Chrome mobile where it does fill if there’s already something there?

If not, can you add the ability to add new item and auto populate username with our default email unless otherwise specified on signup?

Thank you

Great idea. Got my vote. I would add that if this specifically couldn’t be added, then set a “Default” of a list. Such as if you had two Gmail accounts, you could toggle/enable/select “Account A” as your default and it will auto-fill.