Autocomplete default username (+random password) when creating new entries (or option in generator)

There will be really nice to be able to set the default username to use in new login items. I and I think many of BW users are using the same email in all websites. The ability to set the default username in all new logins would make it easier and faster when creating login for a new page.

I signed up on this forum to ask for this feature and just found your post.
An autocomplete option to fill in the username field with usernames already in the vault would be interesting in addition to a default username option.


I came here to suggest this same feature with a slight change. I was thinking the user could have a list of saved ā€œfavoriteā€ usernames that could be selected from a drop-down when creating a new login and, like mentioned here, have the password auto generated using default settings.

I noticed the same thing when creating new accounts. I always use one of my email addresses and generate the password. Same thing over and over. Itā€™d be nice to have an option to do this automatically.

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Same request!

Would be great to have a preference option to specify a default username, and also possibly other defaults when creating new logins (eg. automatically generate a password as well)


This would be like KeePass. Where it knows all your usernames and you can choose which one to add


Yep. That would be useful.

Additionally - I find that I open BW after filling in my username (which is usually my email, auto-filled by Chrome) in order to fetch a new password, and have to re-type the username into the BW ā€œUsernameā€ field. It could be nice if BW could identify that the Username field is already non-empty on the web site and offer to copy that.


Iā€™ve started developing this feature myself, and created topic in GitHub contribution category: Default logins - GitHub Contributions - Bitwarden Community Forums


This is cool! Thank you!

Will there be multiple usernames to pick from or just one?

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Multiple :slight_smile:


This is a great and useful feature! I wonder if it would additionally be possible to generate a random username for sites that require a username in addition to an email when signing up?

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+1 to this. I have to basically type my email every time I add a new login and itā€™s such a small thing, but makes usability that much worse.


A new ā€œDEFAULTSā€ section in settings would be much appreciated. A textbox for default username and a checkbox to auto populate the password would make me love the product even more.

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+1 - really irritating when creating logins directly when the website is not BW friendly to have to type in the username/email. A dropdown would be useful preferably as a list of usernames currently in use, sorted by most often used.

Adding a +1 to this, would be a nice-to-have for usability. Glad there is PR in the works.

Adding +1 to this as well. Really excited!

+1 is there already any ETA?

Thank you for your post!

Feature name

  • Default or random or favourite username genetator

Feature function

Create a list of favourite usernames and make it easy to select when creating new Login entry.
Add option to generate random username
Add predefined username - each new login will get prefilled with default username

It makes it faster to create new logins

Consider also adding random passowrd to each new login entry.

By combining random username and pass, new login will take 2 clicka: Add new ā†’ Save

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YES, YES, YES!!! This would be fantastic.

Yet another +1 vote from me

I think this could be really usefull.