When importing vault items, set their Created and/or Updated dates based on the imported data

Bug report

In web app, upon Importing credentials from Firefox (csv) “timePasswordChanged” field not used.
Resulting Items in Vault “Update” date using the date when import process happened and not the original time (from the .csv) when a login changed.


This date and time are important to know how old it is. Maybe needed to change. Or if there is multiple instances which one is the newer.

Steps to reproduce

In Firefox > about:logins > upper right corner three dots menu > Export logins… > created logins.csv file
In Vaultwarden web vault > Tools menu > Import data > Firefox (csv) > Import data

Expected behaviour

In My vault > Item > “Updated:” time use the time when last changed (from logins.csv “timePasswordChanged” field)

Actual behaviour

In My vault > Item > “Updated:” time now showing the time when import taken.

When vault items are imported, they simply get the current date/time set for both Created and Updated properties. Some imported data may contain real values for these that should be preserved, however. For example, 1Password’s 1pux format [1] includes createdAt and updatedAt attributes in the export. These values should be used to set Bitwarden’s Created and Updated fields, respectively. Other export formats may also provide this data in some form, and it should be used when available.

Setting these values for users importing data from other systems allows the user to keep track of how old their logins are, for example. This would be useful when sorting items in the UI [2]. This can be useful in a couple of ways that come to mind, but I’m sure there are others as well:

  • to decide whether a password should be changed (e.g. if it has not be modified for a certain length of time)
  • to determine how long an account has been in use


  1. 1Password 1pux export format
  2. Feature request for sorting items

Feature name

  • Feature Request: Support Login Metadata (accessed, created, modified) from Firefox CSV Export

Feature function

  • What will this feature do differently?
    • this will use extra Metadata in Firefox(and other browser) CSV exports to improve BitWarden Vault compatibility with user’s imported keychains
  • What benefits will this feature bring?
    • this will allow users to know the access, created, and modified date of imported logins in their Vault, important Metadata for determining which logins have precedent especially in the case of duplicates
  • Remember to add a tag for each client application that will be affected

Related topics + references

  • Are there any related topics that may help explain the need and function of this feature?
    • Did not find any directly related
  • Are there any references to this feature or function on other platforms that may be helpful?
    • Firefox and other browsers have a record of and display this Metadata.
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With recent changes, item dates are included in the JSON export. But it seems that it’s not possible to import them back into Bitwarden, which, in my opinion, makes this feature almost pointless. I hope it will soon be possible to re-import those dates along with the items you are importing into Bitwarden.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Import data (Firefox (csv)) not using “timePasswordChanged” field