Sort items by date of modification, addition, last use, etc

Would be nice to have sort by name / modification date (descending) in folder view and all view.


I agree. It’s nice to make a change and the site you changed be at the top of the sort.


Yes, and when you have hundreds of password, it is nice to have the frequently used / modified at the top


+1 to this, it’s a crucial feature with big databases


Agreed - I want to change passwords every few months, and this seems like the simplest way to achieve that - if I could sort by or report by updated date, I could see the oldest ones and change them.


+1, sorting options are the feature I miss most from 1Password’s desktop app.


+1 - Nice Feature!


+1! I’m really surprised this isn’t a feature…???


The modification date can be used for this, but there is no central report or view to be able to sort so that you can view the last time you rotated passwords.

Simply adding the modification date to the view of the list of accounts will work if available.

The request is to be able to view the last time a password has been rotated, in a list format without having to select each account to see the date.

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Not an “out of the box” solution, but for the somewhat savvy, here’s a method:

Install bitwarden CLI:

$ npm install -g @bitwarden/cli

install jq:

$ brew install jq

then, login and query your data:

$ bw login
$ export BW_SESSION="(... your session key ...)"
$ bw list items |\
jq -r 'sort_by( -( .revisionDate | sub("\\.[0-9]+Z$"; "Z") |
       strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | mktime )) |
       .[] | ( .name + " [" + .revisionDate + "]")' |\
head -n10

you can adjust the final head -n10 to show more items (or just omit it to show everything)


This is one of the few things that keeps me from moving from KeePass!

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Keeping this one alive, being able to sort by modification date would be nice.

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Hi mate, regarding your nice workaround.

Is there any way to export as CSV file the vault with the modification Date?

Or, as another option, export a CSV file with only the last N modificated accounts/passwords?

That would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.

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I came here to ask for a very similar feature. There are a couple of handy “Reports” already, for example the “Weak Passwords Report” under “Tools” for an organization is super useful.

Similarly, a “Rotation Report” showing whether secrets were rotated e.g.:

  • Never rotated
  • Rotated over a year ago
  • Rotated over 6 months ago
  • Rotated over 1 month ago
  • Recently rotated

would be super useful! :+1:


This could all be fixed if tags were added. There could be system tags added and custom tags. You can then filter and sort to your heart’s desire.


I’m a LastPass refugee and this type of feature is one thing I miss. It is nice to be able to sort alphabetically or by recently used.


Feature name

  • Sort vault by chronological order of last update

Feature function

  • Allows you to see which entries had updates made to them

Related topics + references

  • Are there any related topics that may help explain the need and function of this feature?
  • Are there any references to this feature or function on other platforms that may be helpful?

I would also add the ability to show ‘Last Used’. Both of these features would be nice in a report of some kind.


Yes that would be handy too. Right now if you have hundreds of logins there is no easy way of determining what entires were recently updated


Please Add sort option for All items

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