Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0)

You can bring back many features of the old experience by changing a few settings: Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0) - #107 by FaviFake

Chromium has indeed been the first to receive new updates, as Firefox is still on an older version than Chromium. Also, the redesign was released first on Chromium. I’m not sure why brave hasn’t updated the extension yet.

Another user joining just to say I much preferred the old UI and would like to option to switch back to it.


Welcome to the forum! In case you missed it, you can bring back many features of the old experience by changing a few settings: Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0) - #107 by FaviFake


They have the same thing going on with the iOS mobile app with the new button. Don’t know what the reason is for the redundancy.


… and the same redundancy is not there on the Android app. :thinking: Overall, they (iOS and Android) seem to look different also in other regards like the search…

(mobile app version 2025.1.0 - Android 14)

I just now recognized, that “Types” are still regularly shown on the mobile apps, other than in the browser extension with the “filters”.

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The new screen to unlock the browser plugin seems much more crowded and cluttered than the old screen (all the screens do, TBH, but one at a time). I think the biggest thing causing this feeling of overcrowdedness, though, is how the ‘PIN (required)’ text intrudes into the PIN entry text box.

I dislike pretty much everything about the new look, but that’s the most obvious and up-front.

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@orc4hire Hi! I redirected your post to this “megathread” about the new browser extensions UI/UX, as it seems to be the exact right spot for your post.

I don’t (and can’t) disagree with your feelings about “overcrowdedness”, but there may be something else about the PIN input field that makes you feel this way. As you can see in the screenshot below, the old field label “PIN” also intruded into the text box, and was in fact fully inside the boundaries of the box:

Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that the box boundary now has a solid border, and the box boundary has shrunk. The larger font size for the PIN (and for the field label) probably don’t help the situation either.

At the same time that some aspects of the new UI are overcrowded, other aspects of its appearance are very expansive, with large areas of wasted empty space. So, paradoxically, the information that is presented in the new UI is simultaneously both crowded and sparse.

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That’s a good point. I think it’s the combination of the smaller field, with a hard border around it, and the label intruding into that border that makes it feel cramped compared to the old much larger field (about 50%) with the label as a background element.

This side-by-side comparison may explain it:


Joined this forum to add to this thread. I’m staggered at how bad the new UI is - even after giving it a month to see if it settled in (I’m a beta tester for some music software and often once you’ve used something for a month you realise why it’s been changed).

Changing the ‘fill’ area from the whole username to a tiny button is still a bad idea, IMO. Bitwarden has become much less usable as a result of this. I’ve introduced plenty of people to it and no-one ever had an issue with that way of doing things. It almost seems that every action has become more difficult to do, with more clicks and a worse experience.

No idea why ‘all items’ is listed as well - this is confusing as it intimates that these are possible items to fill in.

This looks like you just adopted a new UI framework which didn’t work the way the old one did so you went with whatever were the defaults. The spacing all seems off, it seems really wasteful compared to the old UI.

I know there is zero chance of going back to the old UI, but if you don’t speak out, no-one knows your opinion.

I love bitwarden. I champion it whenever I can to other people. But I won’t be doing so now as I’m embarrassed at how it’s changed and it’s less usable than other options as a result of this change.


Welcome to the forum!

You can change that now, see this: Usability issues (UX) in redesigned UI (2024.12.0) - #107 by FaviFake (If you’re using Firefox and don’t see the option, you’ll have to wait for Mozilla to approve the update.)

You’ll be able to collapse that section soon!

You can reduce the wasted space by enabling an option in settings, see the link above. You now also have the option to widen the extension!

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Its clear the BitWarden UX team is insistent on this regressive design despite the clear user feedback and is resistant to provide any alternatives to the old use cases.

We are now left with “oh its fixed in an update you dont have available to you yet but trust me its totally fixed”.

It’s evidently clear you will continue to push this terrible UX, I encourage you to actively test it for at least one week and you would see the same issues your users are.

I will now be switching to KeePassXC or something else so I no longer have to deal with this terrible product who provides updates that negatively impact its users.

I highly recommend others do the same as your feedback falls on deaf ears.


Yeah I don’t really get this either, I don’t want All Items to be displayed if they’re not relevant to the site I’m on, I will either add them to Favorites or search for them - why the hell would I want to scroll through a list of 1200 items anyway? As others have mentioned this is just a security and potentially performance issue for no good UX reason that I can think of.


The comments here remind me of when Firefox has redesigned its UI, e.g. with Australis. As was the case with Firefox, and for better and worse, I’m glad for the new UI. A redesign was certainly due and there’s a lot to like in this new UI. Hopefully the constructive feedback doesn’t get lost in the nonsense…

Something I found which seems unintended (using Firefox extension version 2024.12.3):
After expanding the menu icon for an item, e.g. the “Copy info” or “More options” menu, the mouse pointer transitions to a hand pointer when hovering over the expanded options but remains a regular pointer while hovering over everything else. This implies that clicking out of the expanded menu would only collapse the menu. However, that is not always the case. For example, double-clicking the item while the menu is expanded will open that item’s website. Preferably, this first click outside of the expanded menu would only collapse the menu instead of also passing the click through. Alternatively, the mouse pointer should transition to the correct state regardless of a menu icon being expanded.


I am one such user. For example, I have almost 100 different logins for Google but there are only 2 that I use like 80 - 90% of the time, and now it appears that those most-used items which I added to Favorites are lumped into Autofill Suggestions for me to scroll through/pick out if there is a domain match? So yeah the Favorites list is useless for me on Google which is extremely annoying, especially considering they have a 2 or 3 step login flow.

My ideas to fix:

  1. Option to pin Favorites to the top no matter what
  2. Option to break out Favorites from Autofill Suggestions, or at least show Favorited items in BOTH lists
  3. If Favorite items must be lumped in with Autofill Suggestions, then place the Favorite items at the top of the suggestion list before the rest of the suggestions

These solutions can also be combined.

Good news! All Items is being made collapsible effective with a version “coming soon”. Instructions in the “Staff notice” at the very top of this topic.

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It would be even better news if, in addition to being able to collapse all items, it would be possible to keep them visible, but display them in a folder structure as they were shown in the previous UI.


Joining the conversation! Our organization was unaware of the introduction of the new UI, most likely because we didn’t read the newsletter… While we encourage the development of the application, we dislike some of the changes. I’ve raised these via support but was forwarded to this specific conversation.

Our complaints:

  • Bitwarden used to have quick-actions enabled per default. The new application makes this an optional setting and as a result, we have to instruct all our employees to make additional changes to their settings. Additionally, when enabling quick-actions, the width of the application becomes to small due to the new styling so we have to increase this manually as well. To me this doesn’t seem intuitive as the same functionality was possibile previously in a more compact manner.
  • Moving an item to the organization has become way more cumbersome. This used to be a single click when an existing item was opened. I’m currently even unable to edit the existing login and change it. I have to click the “…” to move the item.
  • The application feels slower than before. We use the Firefox extension and experience loading times up to 5 seconds (cloud, not self-hosted)