[SOLVED] Wrong TOTP with correct timedate on my computer

I reinstalled my Computer yesterday, which included my Brave Browser and so the BitWarden Plugin. I signed in, and my password works, but all TOTP are wrong; I have to use the one from my phone.

Yes I searched on the forum, Yes my time date is fine; Yes I’m in Bangkok

So I logged out of BitWarden and rebooted the Windows, but still, the TOTP issue is here.
What else I should look ?

This might work

Open the Settings app of Windows
Go to ‘Date and Time’ page.
Make sure the set time and date automatically is toggled on.
Click ‘Synchronize now’ button.


Often the time zone is the culprit when the “time” is correct. As @vachan mentioned a sync will usually help.

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Yes, I just came back to say that too :wink:
Of course my date and time was fine, but not my TimeZone :blush:
Thank you for your quick and accurate answer.