Search within and inside all notes

Search the notes field inside a selected item only (and if possible highlighting the search inside the notes field)

I have dozens of lines of info inside the notes field of each item I create.
Unfortunately the search only does global search which returns too many results to be useful.
Also creating custom fields won’t solve this issue, because all my client items have similar info (only changes some small details).

It would be great to be able to limit the search to only fields inside the opened item and if possible have the search text highlighted in all the found instances.

Hello @jcrmatos - yes, this is a needed capability also. However, it is a slightly different issue to search for an item by the contents of a Notes field, as this feature request defines, vs. having the ability to search WITHIN a Notes field once you have selected a particular item from the vault. Since the latter seems to be what you are asking for, you may want to show your support by voting for this feature request instead:

UPDATE: Since many in this thread assume you cannot search inside of Notes fields, I have created a quick guide to demonstrate how to do this:

This feature request is still a very useful one because it documents how this process might be improved. I hope that others will continue to add constructive suggestions. Cheers!


After my testing, besides the matching problem of note search, I found that it only matches the domain of the first URI, the second third and more URIs cannot be matched.

@Nico - you need to use a full-text search. See the link I posted directly above your last message.

Thank you David! I looked these pages and found all my issues were solved pretty well, however, it does not work on iOS app for now. I also noticed that the help page says that this feature is missing on mobile platforms. So I hope it will be available soon.


Every now and then, I need to search Bitwarden to find all accounts associated with a certain email address. For example, I might be retiring that email address, so I need to change the email address on all accounts associated with it. Searching for “[email protected]” doesn’t do what I intend. It only seems to search the “username” field, which isn’t always the email address, sometimes the username is something else and the email address is stored in the notes.

Hi @Flimm - with a full-text search, you can search within your notes like this:

>notes:*[email protected]*

See my post above:

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so you want to say that on desktop it’s possible with an obvious hack, and on mobiles it’s NOT possible at all? cmon guys, it shouldn’t be like that. there should be an all-inclusive basic search +some advanced options separately for those who want them (also I’m not sure what’s the problem for it to be ported to mobiles). thanks.

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If you think you can do better, @alex, feel free - it is an open source project after all.

@dh024 didn’t want to offend anyone, it’s just very confusing after lastpass search usage.

Note: The post below was “hidden” because someone in the community “flagged it as inappropriate, offensive, abusive or a violation of community guidelines”. But, after re-reading it, and considering how I might revise it, I am not sure what to change. It is impassioned, I’ll admit. I really care about the tools I use, about security, and usability, and I love Bitwarden, other than this one bug that we are all discussing. And I am frustrated, yes, but I don’t think I was inappropriate, or offensive, or abusive, or in violation of any guidelines. So I’m reposting it, as is, so that the policy can run its course, and whoever felt so offended, abused or violated by my post can flag it again, and “if the post is hidden again by the community a second time it […] will be handled by staff”. What do you think?

50 months, 52 votes, and over 70 comments later – all from users basically begging for this feature that most don’t know Bitwarden actually has… many of us saying that we feel so frustrated by this non-intuitive search limitation they we feel like going back to Lastpasss over it, and Lastpass search still Just Works, while the devs here can’t fathom how new Bitwarden users, especially us Lastpass refugees, don’t know that we just have to type:

as @dh024 pedantically explains:

   >notes:*[email protected]*

Really? how are users supposed to know that?

I’m sorry. I switched from Lastpass to Bitwarden months ago, and just assumed that the notes field was entirely UNSEARCHABLE. Why? because I only ever search for partial account numbers in that field, usually the last four digits, and so Bitwarden instantly searches my thousands of items and displays exactly nothing.

How is a new user supposed to know they have to enter wildcards to do a partial-word search? Simple substring matching is the default user-expected behavior in every other software application. Press Ctrl-F (or Cmd-F) right now… in your browser… then type just the letter “e”. What happens? Simple Substring Matching! Is that so hard to deliver to your adoring legions of users??

The Bitwarden search box puts the cart instead of the horse: it has made “advanced search” the default (with its cryptic, mysterious syntax (that only a programmer could love (and then didn’t even tell those of us users who are programmers!))) and in the process has made (what the entire rest of the software industry calls) “basic search” simply impossible.

Here’s a suggestion:

If you want Bitwarden to keep all of us users who switched to Bitwarden from Lastpass, make the search do partial matching of the full text of the Notes field by default and make your clever, magic mystery meat kick in …only when we press – oh, i don’t know, how about a button labeled “Advanced Search”? Maybe with some little docu-popup explaining how it works? You know, right there in the user interface, instead of burying it in the docs?

OR at least

when a basic, simple text search returns nothingmaybe display a link to the docs, so newbies like me (a 20 year web developer) can get a clue… some small inkling even, that you’ve chosen to hide this feature so well, by including some convenient helpful message like:

Your simple text substring search returned zero results.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for?

Try enclosing your search terms inside *Wildcard*Asterisks* (so we can actually find them!) You mean you haven’t already read all about out super-secret search syntax, way down at the bottom of our amazing “Search your Vault” documentation page, barely mentioned (and even then, not showing the most common, simple search-all-fields use case) in a section tantalizingly titled Wildcards and Advanced Search Parameters?? Oh, you’re not a programmer who even knows what the world “wildcard” means in terms of computer text matching? Well, shame on you, then!

In addition to the 70+ comments above I see 4 other requests that were identical, or very similar to this one:

  1. Feature request #19004: Search does not find any word in Notes, if the word ends with a symbol eg ‘,’ or ‘.’ - this poor guy thinks it’s the commas between his “tags” that make his searches not be found, but it’s that he (somehow! :scream:) doesn’t know that he just needs to surround his tags with asterisks…

  2. Feature request #29089 Search All Fields, including Most Especially Notes, by Default “LastPass has this capability and that’s the one area where it surpasses Bitwarden” [closed with link to the docs]

  3. Feature request #28774 Search notes field [closed with link to the docs]

  4. Feature request #29587 Search functions implements “as Lastpass already does” [closed with link to the docs]

so @bw-admin consider this a request to reopen those 3 that were closed, and merge them all with this request (and combine the votes, and add-back the votes of the closed ones to this one – let’s see if we can hit 100!! shall we?)

Finally, Again: A plea For Simple Search Sanity: I search for partial number matches in my notes a dozen times a day. Please make simple substring matches simply work. The way they work in Lastpass, in Chrome, in Notepad, in VS Code. …in this very test box that I am typing in right now, on your website, y’know?

Delight your users! Don’t make me think, search, scour your site for the arcane flavor of regular expression syntax that you invented just for the occasion of frustrating me, and have to spend all night explaining why I’m asking for it!

And, if you simply can’t make your programmers make it Just Work… then by all means, go around them! Ask your UX designers not to be complicit in hiding this simple feature so well! Have them add a clue, a suggestion, some docs or links – throw new users a bone fer cryin out loud – put something in that Big, Sad, Desperate & Empty NOT-FOUND space, right there under the search box, that your users have to stare at, when the great default-advanced search engine came up empty-handed, telling us why, and how we can maybe then jump thru whatever hoops you’ve placed in our path to just doing a normal search…




I’m the OP, and back again after months.

So apparently, Bitwarden isn’t interested in anything about our feature request here. very sad.

I hope they read what I said previously: Search within and inside all notes - #17 by bebotette

the thing I’m seeing as wrong now is that the default/basic search should show everything (like ALL matching entries) like I previously described. The ‘advanced’ search is to be used by users who would like to NARROW down the results. This is more intuitive than the current (opposite) set up which is Bitwarden’s way of saying “I will show you incomplete results first, then we’ll force you to use our advanced search so that you [partially] find what you’re looking for.”

It’s just like when you go to Amazon and try to search for a ‘GaN charger’. Amazon will show you A LOT of results, albeit fuzzier than expected, then you’re given the option to filter the results to shorten the list. This is more understandable, more intuitive, and a better practice.

Just dropping by to give this feature request another ‘up!’.

One other thing is that, when trying to search for a specific word or phrase inside the notes field of an entry, it doesn’t highlight that set of words for you. So if you have 10,000-word-note, and the word/phrase you’re looking for is there, bitwarden will ONLY show you what entry/item that note can be found, then you’re LEFT ON YOUR OWN to look for that word inside the notes field, like a needle in a haystack. The only workaround I do was to copy the whole note inside a notepad, and then CTRL+F, or other similar method.

In short, when I search for a word inside a note, I should be directed to it, highlighted.

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Thanks @bebotette, the team is always interested in improving the Bitwarden experience but there are many feature requests and some things take time to review as larger pieces of the 2022 roadmap are developed, maintained and supported. Rest assured the feedback has been passed along to the team.

Defaulting to partial/wildcard matches shouldn’t be hard considering it is a current feature, and it would solve most users’ issues with the current search.

user_query = "*" + user_query + "*"
# existing search code

I know there’s more to it, but lot of this thread comes from the assumption that this is what BW should be doing by default.

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Look at dedicated search utilities FZF or Everything (VoidTools). They don’t require complicated search protocols for fuzzy finding, a move which is both more intuitive and functional.

Advanced search options should always be available, but the default should be simple fuzzy finding in all fields, without need for wildcards, extra syntax, etc.

I’m sure BW has the functionality already (if not FZF is open source, though Linux only), it would just be a matter of making it default. Or even just having the option would be swell :slight_smile:

+1 on this request of having the search operators in iOS.


+1 - Just switched to Bitwarden from LastPass. This is my main request so far. Please allow wildcard searches on iOS. I can’t even do it in chrome or safari on iPhone either (even if I select “request desktop site”) which I think is a little weird as the wildcards work in the desktop browsers.


I’d much prefer my Microsoft credentials to be titled just MS & not “Microsoft, OneDrive, Skype,, Xbox Online”… just put the keywords in a custom text field in the entry & if searchable, would be a big help

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Me too. I need full text search within secure notes on the Android app. Anything less means i stay with my encrypted note app - ‘standard notes’

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