Search within and inside all notes

@Mark_Carls Welcome to the forum!

To make it clear, in case you haven’t read through the entire thread: Bitwarden can do full-text search within secure notes — the required command syntax just isn’t very user-friendly (especially not for non-technical users).

oh? per the Bitwarden help site, the Android app does NOT do full text searching. Full text searching is only available on the desktop and web client versions. I need full text searching of secure notes on the Android app. I also see a lot of requests from people for full text searching in the IOS app also.

“Searches in the web vault, desktop app, and browser extension are automatically full-text and, like basic searches, automatically include leading and trailing wildcards. When results aren’t found in a full-text search, Bitwarden will fall back to a basic search.”

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Nevermind — I read your comment too quickly, and missed that you were requesting this functionality specifically for Android.

+1 — this really needs to be a standard of the app

  • “search” should by default show partial results, like searching “76” should show “1976” in the results

  • search should by default show any results from the notes field of entries

  • and all of this should work on the mobile apps as well, not restricted to the desktop etc versions

basic common sense, and I’m honestly surprised / disappointed that the search function is so hamstringed on mobile. please prioritize.

recent convert from Last Pass & Keeper

Search really needs to work.

I am moving to encpass because of missing search


Hey Bruno, can you share more detail on what you were unable to find?


So i have alot of notes in bit warden and i cant search through them. For me that is very important.

Because of that i need to loose 2 minutes to find what i need in my notes several times a day.

In encpass you go on top in the search field and it will find any text not only in the title of notes,login etc but even inside notes,etc

Hey Bruno, just to confirm, it will return results that include specific text within the notes, but you’re requesting for it to jump to that specific section of the notes?

Hi @bw-admin same thing the other 80+ people in this thread are unable to find:

On iOS: anything in any of your notes fields, search does not find

For example in my bank login entries, I save the account and routing number in the notes, but searching for these numbers turns in nothing because Bitwarden ios doesn’t search inside notes. Lastpass did, and I relied on that heavily, so that’s been my major disappointment since leaving lastpass

On chrome extension: the notes field is searched but partial matches of numbers in the notes field are not found (unless they appear at the beginning of the number)

For instance I get an email that my account ending in 6543 was used to pay for something

Open Bitwarden chrome ext, search for 6543. Nothing. I’d have to enter the full account number 9876543 for Bitwarden to find it, but of course I don’t know the full account number

Someone on here argued that this is all “by design” and “not a bug but a feature” and that there is some obscure pattern matching code characters you can enter to achieve partial word match searching of notes, that no one but a programmer could love

On iOS apparently searching notes at all would be impossible. Who’d ever want to do that? Every ex-lastpass user ever

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The search function does not find data in the notes.

And notes are only limited to 1000 chars which is a shame really. I need to have multiple notes for 1 topic .

Thanks for the feedback all, @Bruno_Fabijanic are you referring to mobile? In the browser extension for example you can surface notes that include the searched data within it, although it does not jump to that section of the notes.

Yes i am reffering to mobile.

No, notes can fit around 7500 characters (10,000 characters maximum after encryption, which expands the character count by about 35%).

Sorry, i have misstyped.

But i have like 220 lines each line containing user and password like:

Myuser userxy passwordlikethis2
Myuser userxy passwordlikethis2

And i can only get 216 lines :rofl:

Why aren’t these stored as individual login items?

Cause they are not logins for websites, rather list of my business users

Maybe a file attachment would work better, then.

the bug regarding the iOS bitwarden app seems not to be fixed.
is this correct?
cannot search anything with or without the *
with the * the web app finds a certain value, bu iOS app doesn’t

It is not fixed, and apparently will not be. The developer has stated in this forum that it is not a bug. Or something.

Would be very strange to have different functionalities in de mobile app than in the normal desktop/browser app… when you cannot search in any
Text/notes field even with *astrix, what is the use of the mobile app? :flushed:
You have to be able to trust a 100% the results after you try to find something using the app…
And searching is the only way if you have hundreds or thousands of entries.