Persistent Bitwarden UI and maintain unsaved data

If we edit an item in WebVault - but click anywhere outside of this item screen - the screen will disappear and any changes will be lost without warning. Can you please add an optional warning message to save any changes before closing the item?

  • What benefits will this feature bring?
  1. In summary: More security, control for users.
  2. An example … by default, the notes are automatically saved to Evernote. We can have that same feature for items in vault, so users are not worried … If they(users) save the items in the vault… or have not saved items in the vault.


  1. One of the problems I notice is that if you close the Bitwarden screen, you may have forgotten to save some data and in this case, if you forgot to save some data, there is no way to recover it.
  2. The main purpose of the request is autosave. So users don’t have to worry about saving anything, everything is saved automatically. If you haven’t saved the data to your vault, this is already saved automatically.
  3. (Scenario, Description): The user does not need to save their items in the vault, if he(user) open an item in the vault or creating a new item in the vault - this is saved automatically. So … “If this is confused,” the user closes the item screen in the safe, the item was automatically saved.

ui/ux before - with button save and cancel

ui/ux after - without button save and cancel


  1. I left the links to this idea as I left the Evernote link to clarify all possible doubts about automatic save.
  2. The save button is deleted … if there is automatic save.
  3. Click the X icon to close, the Cancel button is unnecessary

Optional Requirements

If you want to cancel disable the Save Automatically option

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