Auto-save generated passwords

Having recently moved from Lastpass to Bitwarden, I’ve been astonished to find that it never autosaves, or offers to autosave, a new item when I create an account on a new site. It doesn’t seem to just be some particular sites, as it didn’t happen even when I created an account here, at

This means that users have to remember to manually create a new item, whilst they still have the details available, and then they run into the problem discussed here, where the browser extension loses the information if you switch away to copy and paste the details without saving first. Persist Bitwarden UI and maintain entered data [Previously- Unsaved changes are lost when move to another item] - #38 by doveman

So fixing these two problems is urgent, IMO, as they create a significant risk of users losing their login details, which is clearly not a good thing to happen with a password manager.

EDIT: I’m using Opera browser on Windows 10.