I searched for anyone else experiencing this issue and didn’t find anyone.
I have several items protected by “Master Password Reprompt” Feature. For these items, my valid master password does not unlock these items!
I have tried in the mobile app, web app, browser extension (firefox) and desktop app (mac).
I know my master password is valid because I can unlock my vault and use any other item, I just cant access anything protected by the reprompt feature.
It makes not difference if I am using biometrics or my master password for initial login.
Let me know if you have any other ideas of how I can disable this feature or get it working.
There is a character not in the generator in my password. Do you think the the reprompt feature doesn’t work with Master passwords with certain characters? I guess that would be a bug?
So if you type out your password in a text editor and copy-and-paste it into the MP reprompt, it does not work. Have you tried a copy-and-paste into the Web Vault login as well? If that does work, it suggests there is a bug, perhaps due to that special character you mention. You could confirm this by changing your password to exclude/replace that special character and see if it fixes things (just don’t forget to make a new backup of your vault after changing passwords).
The web vault password reprompt does not work either. I am able to login to the vault and use all other items normally, but password reprompt items I cannot use.
I have not tried changing my master password as I was concerned doing so might make things worse.
In the web vault, (or anywhere else) I cannot access any items protected by master password reprompt no matter if I copy/paste the password or if I just type it in. I can login and use other items just fine if i copy/paste my master password or type it in, but any attempt to access the reprompt items is blocked by the reprompt feature not accepting my master password. (copy/paste, or typed in)
You should be able to use your MP regardless of what it is, so it’ll be good to report this issue to them, and any troubleshooting they may be able to assist with.
Was it fixed? It is now Sep 2023 and suddenly I started to have a similar issue! I don’t have any space and
I do able to login thru the web portal though but not with app or chrome extention.
I have the same issue. It was working everywhere. Now it’s not working on iOS or MacOS Firefox, but is working on the web app (https://vault.bitwarden.com/).