MacOS Destop - prompts for fingerprint when vault locks

MacOS: Sequoia 15.2 (24C101)
BitWarden: 2024.12.1 (34750)

I have the App configured to lock after 5 minutes of inactivity, and to be able to unlock with TouchID (fingerprint), and that all works fine.

What I’ve been noticing lately is that some time after I’ve used the desktop app, while I’m working in another window, I get a prompt from BitWarden asking me to enter my password/fingerprint to unlock the vault. It seems to be at about the 5-minute mark. I’ve changed the lock time to 15 minutes and 1 minute and I got the unlock request around 15 minutes and 1 minute, so clearly this is linked. This is only happening on my new laptop (M4) and not my old laptop (Intel with the same app settings).

Here are similar postings without any resolution:

OK, answering my own question here – I thought that the settings were the same between the two machines, but on the machine where this is happening, the “Ask for TouchID on app start” is selected, but not on this machine. If I toggle this on either machine, the behavior changes. So the answer is: turn this button off, or live with the annoying pop-up.

I would classify this behavior as a bug, though, as the app is not starting up, it’s just locking the vault.

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I would concur in your assessment, and encourage you to submit a bug report on GitHub.