Display signons by date added

Is there a way to display all signons added since a specific date, or at least display date added to the vault export?

@ralfswan Welcome to the forum!

I’m not sure if I really get what you mean. In a JSON export, item dates should already be included there (see this feature request (completed): ✅ Extend JSON export to include PW history and item dates).

In the very last sentence of this Export Vault Data | Bitwarden Help Center paragraph, you can have a look into a JSON sample, how it should look like.

If you not only mean the export, but the general “vault” view via the apps, then I think you might have a look into this feature request:

Thanks for your reply. I exported my vault as a .csv file because I could use MS Excel to open the file. I am not familiar with .json files, and I see that there are several apps that can be used to access them. Unfortunately, I do not have any of those apps installed.
I look forward to the feature that will incorporate the modification date in the vault view.

Without knowing what exactly you want to do with those exports (regularly?), just some remarks:

  • unencrypted exports haven an inherent security risk - also because they can produce unencrypted “remnants” on the system (e.g. deleted files can get recovered…) - that’s why we mostly recommend password-protected JSON exports now
  • all Bitwarden exports don’t include attachments, items in the trash and Sends
  • CSV exports furthermore don’t include cards, identities and stored passkeys
  • if you just want to check if an export worked or not - or want to have the possibility, to access those exports in general or independent of a Bitwarden account: KeePassXC can import Bitwarden JSON exports, even the password-protected ones (I don’t know if KeePassXC also would import and show the item dates - if yes, you could even “sort” by that thanks to @ralfswan , we now know that KeePassXC doesn’t import the item dates for now) → so in a way, KeePassXC would also be a “JSON file reader”

I’m sorry I wasn’t clear about my objective. I simply want to see when a signon in my vault was created or modified. I exported my signons to a .csv file but dates are not included. You informed me that the dates are available in a .json export file, but I cannot access that file type. I am reluctant to download and install an additional app just to provide access to one file type, but I will give KeePassXC a try.
Seems a cumbersome process to get access to an important data element that I feel should be easily accessible.

Thanks for your help.

Just downloaded and installed KeePassXC. It creates database from exported BitWarden .json file, but it does not include dates.

Ah, Sorry, it try to remember that myself. I also correct my text above.

If you are comfortable with command-line tools, the jq tool is commonly used to parse, sort, and search JSON data sets:
