Chrome extension takes forever to load UI after authenticating and is extremely slow and unresponsive

Same here, I unlock it with a pin, and it just spins like it wants to load but doesn’t. I click to dismiss it, and open the extension again, and it works fine.

Extension version 2025.1.2
Chrome - 132.0.6834.160

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As a comparison I use Chromium with 25.1.2 and have never had an issue. After a recent update the version details are:

Version 132.0.6834.159 (Official Build) built on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (64-bit)

Thank you very much, this is very effective!!

I’ve started having this problem last week. I’m use the cloud version.

When I put in my main password, it hangs on the loading, and doesn’t show me my logins. I close the window and then click the Bitwarden icon again, and it then loads instantly.

Browser: Version 1.74.51 Chromium: 132.0.6834.160 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Extension version: 2025.1.2

Exactly the same Browser and Extension versions, same timeframe, and exactly the same issue.

TL:DR: “Me too” :sweat_smile:

I installed the older extension and everything works fine now.


That’s the only thing I’ve found that actually works.

Using chrome on windows 10 here. New version of Bitwarden has a few second lag on autofill that it didn’t used to have. Annoying.

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Same issue has been going on for me. Click on the extension, it spins. Select Login and it spins for a good while. If I choose to login with biometric, it now pops up that screen behind my browser, which is easy to miss. Finally get logged in, and it spins and spins. Definitely some issues.