Yes! After a few days of fighting with the browser extension on all my computers and seeing the Bitwarden team’s unwillingness to roll the UI back, I took matters into my own hands and uninstalled the latest version and manually installed the last good version (2024.11.2) from Github.
It’s right here if you need to go that route: Release Browser v2024.11.2 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub
I’ve been helping people roll to that version as needed since it’s the easiest way to fix all the problems everyone has been having, and the BW team is ignoring this pretty simple step to restoring functionality.
Installing the old version of the extension is pretty straightforward. You unzip it into its own folder, go to manage extensions in Chrome, enable developer options, and “load unpacked” (after uninstalling the new broken version, that is).
That version should in theory continue to work unless Bitwarden breaks something worse on their end to prevent people from using it.