Archive old accounts

@monsoon8715 Welcome to the forum!

If the items in question are in the organization vault, you could just unassign them from all collections. The items will then no longer viewable (nor appear in searches), except from the Admin Console.

+1. This post is nearly six years old. Respectfully, it’s time @bw-admin team to put this on the roadmap and meaningfully work towards it.


How? It does not allow me to unassign them.

The best way is to ensure that the items only belong to a single collection, and then delete that collection.

I too would appreciate this feature.

Please note, I just signed up for this community forum to vote for this feature request. However, I apparently can’t vote because my account is brand new.

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@bradley Welcome to the forum! Just spend a little time reading through some of the forum threads. From what I seen, you just need to be active in the forum for a total of around 30 min before your account status is upgraded from “new user” to “basic user”, which allows you to vote.