Add essential keyboard shortcuts & navigation

Hi everyone.

It seems that the most wanted shortcut for every browser and platform (and especially for those coming from LastPass) is a login shortcut.

In LP, you just hit Enter at the selected item and you are redirected to the website login form, which is autofilled for you. Instead, in BW, Enter simply opens a dialog displaying the entry content (username, pw, etc.). Something that you rarely want.

Of course, there are several other shortcuts that we would like to have, but if you think like me that this is the most annoying lack, I have opened a separate request here.

Please, upvote my post, if you agree. Hopefully, if developers focus on a single shortcut, they could get the job done, while asking for multiple shortcuts is a plea for an infinite delay.
In the meantime, for me, the only viable solution is the old school KeePassXC.