Add a clear marker to accounts with 2FA codes enabled

Can you please add an option to either sort by accounts that have TOTP generation enabled, or just a prominent marker for accounts that take advantage of TOTP generation? This exists somewhat in the browser extension, but it could be more prominent, and the desktop app does not have this feature. Clearly denoting accounts with 2FA code generation enabled makes it easier to migrate to a different code generation platform (such as yubico authenticator) or a different password manager without running the risk of losing your TOTP generator and getting locked out of your accounts. Right now, the only way to see the complete list of accounts with TOTPs being generated is to do a CSV export of your vault and look for the code generation information. This is clunky, and requires you to deal with having an unencrypted copy of your vault on-device, which is not ideal.

This feature request already exists several times:

and somewhat here:


As an aside, I would advise against only having a single TOTP generator. I use Bitwarden for mine, but I also use Authy as a backup, just in case.

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My feature Request has nothing to do with this one, since the attention of my request belongs to the TOTP copy button in the Browser Addon. But the other two requests are basically the same.

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I merged the other two threads together. This can now be voted on here:

@Zeik0s your request still stands :slight_smile: