Yeah I was really confused when that button appeared without warning and ended up submitting a help post about it. It’s really poor design to make a button show up that does nothing and not even explain what it is.
I can understand, my list of TOTP Secrets is long, but for security reasons, i do not store them in the same Place where i store my Passwords, because this in my Opinion undermines the Security of the Tokens.
Don’t get me wrong, i understand why people wanted this button for convenience reasons, but for people that simply don’t store tokens, the button is completely unnecessary shown.
sure, also an option, but why show the button, when there’s nothing to copy when TOTP is not configured for the particular entry? I’m not talking about removing in general
If the button is only there some of the time, it could get a bit confusing. People may expect the right-most button to be for TOTP codes but sometimes it’ll be passwords. The design needs to be uniform. Having it there but disabled makes more sense but allowing people to completely turn it off in settings would be a good compromise.
I have an easy solution for the dev.
Instead of hidding the icon, replace it with a blank one so the grid will look the same.
You already have a different class for an active TOTP button and an inactive one (class=disabled) .
Okay. No problem at all. On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you with computers? 1 being a beginner and 10 being extremely knowledgeable? I’ll cater the instructions to your level of knowledge.
I’m very familiar with computers and technology, I’m just not a programmer.
I do have a “userChrome.css” already setup in Firefox. Is your code something I can just add to that?
You’re in real good shape with your level of knowledge.
In the same folder as userChrome.css, do you also have userContent.css?
If so, add the following code to the end of that file:
/* remove TOTP icon from each item */
@-moz-document regexp("^moz-extension://.+/popup/index\\.html(?:\\?uilocation=.+)?$") {
span.disabled[title="Copy Verification Code"] {
display: none;
If you don’t already have a userContent.css file in that folder, simply create a new text file with that code.
That’s it! Now restart Firefox, and voilà, those pesky buttons will be gone!
(Note that this code is specific for the English language, but you can easily adopt it to any language by replacing “Copy Verification Code” with the corresponding string for any language. The case-sensitive string can be identified by using the string in the tooltip presented when hovering over the TOTP button.)