@garethsnaim I can’t speak for your biometrics problems with MacOS/iOS as I don’t use those systems.
Only thing is, that the latests desktop version (2024.9.0) could mitigate at least the “newest” problems.
Especially with the new native mobile app, it seems that some problems with that could be resolved with an update to the latest server version (if not already done).
Then, there seem to be indeed many problems with Safari/MacOS (e.g. see What the heck is going on with Safari?)… here is a recent post from a Bitwarden developer, explaining the situation and why it may have been “messy” the last months: Safari: inline suggestions (auto fill) in input fields don't show up anymore since 2024.08 · Issue #10715 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub
Apart from that - I got your message. Password managers are not “religion”. If it is too painful, there’s no harm in seeking alternatives.