Vault Item Sharing


I think a good feature to add into BW would be the ability to right click or click a tick box in an item that exists in a collection - that would send that item to a BW Send (As Text).

The whole reason I use BW send is to send a Username or Pass to a person, which usually exists already in a Collection, it is annoying having to copy the password or username and have to go back to BW Send for each items and paste it in… a ‘Send to BW Send’ would be handy or ‘Create BW Send’ then tick the items you want to add to a Send.



I want to propose a capability to send from Secure notes. Now, If I want to send my secure note (with or without attachments) first I need to redownload and then pull up SEND and upload to generate SEND link :wink:
So, my proposal is to have an opportunity to SEND from the Secure Note page :wink:

I got in touch via email and Sugianto recommended me to come after this feature here.

I’ll paste the text within the email I’ve sent to the tech support asking for the feature.

Most of my relatives really don’t care about digital security. Not at all. I tried to convince them many times, even wrote an article talking about it (endorsing Bitwarden and 2FA as well, you can see it here: Gerenciadores de Senhas - o que são e como podem me salvar de situações caóticas – Telegraph (in Portuguese)), but they don’t really care at all.

I was thinking of an “easy” (yet unsafe) way to share logins/credentials that I keep in my vault for the lay people that is.

I know your goal is to aim to enable security for everyone, but these people are die hard on their choices.

I was thinking of having a built-in feature to share as plain text.


Go to login > view > click the context menu > share as plain text > open the share picker or copy the content to the clipboard.

That would be more or less in this format:

Login: [login/credential name/label, e.g. “ - John Doe”]
Username: [login/username, e.g. “[email protected]”]
Password: [password text, e.g. “somethingstr0nggoeshere.”]
Notes: [additional notes with line breaks]

I think that’s more than enough to take care of that kind of job.

What do you say? Is that planned? I know that’s indeed not a good idea to be done, but it would take care of the job to share with “jumpy” people.

That’s it. I hope this can be a good thing for a future update and feature.

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Why cant we just click a button and export a record (login/pass) straight to Send?
Send was build to share passwords, why is it not integrated to make it easier?
Why do we have to copy each pass, login etc, manually.


exporting to something like this:


I wouldn’t say that - sure, you can use it to share passwords. You can use it to securely send text and files. I use it mainly for secure file sharing. That said, it’s a good idea for those that need to share credentials.

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+1 for this feature request.

The client often asks for account loggins.
I have to copy-past to notepad, then copy-past to send.
As the Firefox widget collapses when I switch the application, I rage and search again for the entry. ^^’
(Lately, I sending passwords directly by email, as it is less painful. This is a bad behaviour.)

I have to admit, as I use Send exclusively to share passwords, it is surprising that it is not implemented yet.


Came here to suggest this, glad it’s already on the radar. Every time I want to log in to a personal account on my work laptop, I wish for this. I always end up typing in the long and random passwords, because it’s less of a hassle than to create a Send.

It would be great if the standard settings could be predefined in the preferences, so it would be like „create Send from login“ → instantly the share menu opens (speaking of mobile). No typing of any kind should be necessary.

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Yeah, this is a pretty big issue in our company when we need to share an item internally and externally.

Copying and maintaining passwords, API keys and what-have-you in two places is cumbersome and I would expect to be able to just “Send” an existing item and have it marked as “sent” or whatever.


+1 for this feature request.

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Seems like there’s another post discussing this issue: Send login - select "Send" from a login entry to share a login with a third party - #8 by jeroen7s
We should probably keep discussion and votes in that thread.

+1 from our side as well

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+1 Please, this would be very handy!

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+1 would use this feature almost daily as an MSP

+1 for this feature

Adding yet another +1 for this, having a 1-click option to auto-populate a Send with information from a login would make it much easier to get my non-technical family members using the feature instead of sending passwords insecurely over email or text.

Currently, it’s possible to share credentials with customers using BW send. This is a golden gift!
Here is an option to add even more value to a BW account: if there would be a feature that allows to export a BW credential item into BW send (e.g. in json format, which is also more or less legible to humans) in such a way that if the reciever opens the link in their BW vault… the credential gets opened in there and a popup appears asking if the user wants to save this credential in their own BW vault.

We want this function too … very useful.

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@tgreer It might be wishful thinking, but is this part of the “Item Sharing” listed on the roadmap for 2022?

@sclark indeed! We have some other cool stuff coming along with it, too :wink: