Vault Item Sharing

I have my own privatebin installation that I sometimes use for this.
Having it built-in would be handy. Especially if you had the option of sharing the current TOTP with the item.
It might also help in cases where I’m working on someone else’s computer and I need a password, which I can look up on my phone and re-type, but that can be a mission, passwords can be long and complicated. - being able to share (share even with yourself on another device) a secure one time link with the necessary details might simplify things when acting in this “support” role.

Since the Lastpass massive migration, this is the main feature missed from Lastpass.


So I migrated from Lastpass this week and the only thing I miss is the ability to share a login with someone. I

It is so easy in Lastpass but can only be done (AFAIK) in Bitwarden using Collections which is nowhere near as good as the Lastpass solution where you are advised whether the person had accepted the shared login or not.

With Collections, perhaps because it is new to me, I have no confirmation that my shared login has been received?

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If both users have access to the collection, as soon as you place the item in the collection it is available to the other user :slight_smile:

They may need to sync their vault, but it will be there :+1:


Thank you for your quick response.

As a newbie I should have drilled down harder but anyway, I now realise my mistake that I missed a step in adding the person to the Collection. I thought I had done this when creating the Collection but only realised now that I had missed that step somehow.

In summary although different from LP the approach does involve a sent invite and a mechanism to report back when accepted so I am completely happy.

Just wish there was an autofill function! :wink:

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Autofill is there :metal:

It’s disabled by default but you can enable autofill on page load in the browser extension settings :slight_smile:

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OMG. I keep learning things. I thought I had read somewhere that it was not supported.

Anyway, I now found it (Settings, Other - Options, first option). Just tested with my bank and autofill.


Thanks again! :+1:t2:

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It bugs me that the only way to “share” moves your passwords out of your vault to an organization (even if it is my own organization that I control). Sometimes it would be really nice to share a password with someone while still maintaining full ownership/control of the credentials.


This is more or less in line with Add unshare option and what other users discussed in that thread. You should consider adding your vote there as well.

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I just found this. I am a premium subscriber and want to share a password with a friend. Not an org, not my family. I really wish I could just enter his email and he would just get it in his account or get an email to create an account to accept the note/password.

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I think this feature request has been implemented in the form of new feature - Send - About Send | Bitwarden Help & Support


Now hopefully this Send feature will be expanded to vault items versus just generic text/files. Messing with collections for one-off shares is pretty messy imo.


Sharing between individuals (and the ability to unshare) is important for both individuals and organizations to have access to. We are considering moving away from LastPass but the sharing model here is a bit too complicated.

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From what I understand, Send is for sharing new bits of text or files - not existing passwords or secure notes.

The “Send” functionality does not solve this need at all.

I found it even quite useless because it does not require authentication at the receiving end. So anyone with the link can see the secret. The Passwort-Protection does not help since, I would need to share the access password along with sending the link.

Using E-Mail is similar (un)safe.


Seems like you have not gotten a clear picture of send.
A Send can be protected with a password. Access limit can also be set. So the link will expire after the access count has exceeded.
I would suggest you to watch Bitwarden Send: Secure Text and File Transfer - YouTube

Hello @vachan thanks, I have watched the video. It did not tell me anything new though.

Maybe to phrase my thoughts differently:

Even if I would use Password Protection and Access Limit, I still would need to send the Link together with the Password over an insecure channel (Email, Slack, …) to the receiver. If any Man-In-The-Middle would intercept this communication, he or she could steal the well-encryped secret.

Fair point, though, if possible, sharing the password via phone call, or separate, relatively secure channel should be good for all but the most critical secrets :slight_smile:

Maybe in the future Send can be directly sent to a bitwarden user through the client itself ?
Like if you add my email address to a send. I will automatically get the Send on all my client apps.


I did not think about that.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: