Vault Health Reports in all Apps

Make vault health reports available directy in the apps, not only in the website.
like 1password does.


I would like to be able to access the reports found in Web Vault > Tools > Reports to be available in the desktop application.


Same applies to the mobile apps. The family members I helped set up Bitwarden only really use it through the app, so they cannot use tools only available on the website (e.g. Exposed Password reports) on their preferred (and sometimes only) platform.

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please add health reports of my vault (Exposed Passwords, Reused Passwords, Weak Passwords, Unsecure Websites, Inactive Two-Step Login and Data Breach) also to iOS, Android and Desktop (Win, Mac, Linux) if I have Premium account, not only Web. Why is not here? I am very confused. This is MUST HAVE function and the competition takes this function for granted.

Thank you.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Vault Health Dashboard - Data Breach Report should do automatic lookups and alerts

Feature name

Tools functionality in mobile app.

Feature function

Provide Report options from the mobile app, e.g. view exposed passwords, etc. Currently you have to be on a browser to do this. Most other password systems provide this within their app and it would be nice from here too.


One more vote for the mobile app Reports (in the same manner as in a browser). We definitely need that, whether it’s automatic, or manual.


I’ve merged and split some threads, and changed the title of this topic [was: “Vault Health Dashboard in all Apps (like 1Password Watchtower)”]. This topic is only for requesting availability of Vault Health Reports in apps beyond the Web Vault app. To express your support for automation of Vault Health Reports, please vote and comment in the Feature Request topic “Vault Health Dashboard - Data Breach Report should do automatic lookups and alerts”not here.

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I currently use bitwarden in the app and browser plugin for the most part.

The reports are very useful and i believe it will be beneficial if they are available in the app in some way possible.

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@Guille_Castillo Welcome to the forum! I moved your post into an existing feature request thread on the same topic.

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Oh thanks I couldn’t find any post for this. We do really need this option

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Please let this be done as soon as possible, relying on the website to access these functions is very annoying, it would come in handy to be able to use it on the PC app and on the cell phone.

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@MartinIIoT I merged your post with this existing Feature Request to the same topic.