Special vault search keyword for entries with passkeys

Now that I am starting to use passkeys, I wanted to find all entries which have passkeys stored. I don’t think there’s a way to do that, hence this request.

The feature request is to have some kind of special vault search keyword which matches all entries which have passkeys stored. The actual search keyword is left up to the discretion of the developers, whatever is deemed best.

This request is for all interfaces: Desktop, Mobile, and Browser.


I think it would also be reasonable to just have a category, similar to Login, Card, Identity, and Secure Note, but search keyword works too. Just some way to search for passkeys.


This would be really nice

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Steps to reproduce:

A user likes to get an overview for which entries of his vault a passkey has been added.


There’s no way to perform the task. Not in the app, neither in the firefox extension.


Offering an option to search for entries with a passkey.

(Additionally I would like to see an advanced search, where you a user gets several options of filtering. Example: Search in “field: username”)

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@Saerdna I merged your post into an existing feature request on the same topic.

The Bitwarden browser extensions, Web app and Desktop app already have advanced search capabilities (invoked by using the prefix character > in the search expression). For example, to search by username, the syntax is:


This is documented here (see Full Search section):

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Thanks : ) Very nice those options.

But it seems there’s no way to search for entries with passkeys, right?

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No, that is why this feature request is proposing a “special vault search keyword for entries with passkeys”. To support the request, there is a Vote button at the top of the thread.


This would be a very useful feature, as we transition to using passkeys. I’ve just wasted a lot of time trying to create passkeys for accounts that already had one: it’s impossible to remember which accounts you have transitioned when you have hundreds of them.

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Unable to vote up from my new account… hence commenting here to express interest in this.

If you’re comfortable using the terminal, you can get them by using the Bitwarden CLI like so:

bw list items | jq '.[] | select(.login.fido2Credentials | length > 0) | { id: .id, name: .name }'

(Assuming you have the jq tool installed to parse the JSON.)

This particular invocation extracts the internal ID and the name of the item, but you can remove that last bit to get the whole data of each item:

bw list items | jq '.[] | select(.login.fido2Credentials | length > 0)