Hi everyone,
I’ve been using Bitwarden for about a year now, and overall, I like it. However, I’ve run into a few issues that I’m hoping the community can help me with. I know some of these might have been discussed before, but I’m just trying to get a better understanding here.
- Duplicate Logins: Bitwarden seems to create a new login entry every time I log into certain websites. For example, I now have about 10 versions of my Steam Store login saved. It’s odd because it doesn’t seem to recognize that I already have an entry saved. On top of that, it’s constantly asking me if I want to save the login again, which gets really frustrating. Is there a way to stop this behavior or have Bitwarden recognize duplicates automatically?
- Deleting Duplicate Entries: Because of the issue above, I now have a bunch of duplicate logins for various websites. Is there a way to quickly delete unnecessary copies without manually sorting through them? Many apps nowadays have a “find duplicates” feature—does Bitwarden have something like this?
- Registration Detection Issues: The feature where Bitwarden detects when I’m registering on a new site and offers to help has never worked properly for me. Either it fails to save the credentials, or if I click away or the prompt doesn’t work, the information is gone completely. There’s no backlog where it stores the info temporarily. On top of that, the Bitwarden window often overlaps with the form fields on the website, making it frustrating to use because it blocks access to the fields. Autofil also doesn’t seem to work properly with passwords most of the time.
I’d love some tips or solutions to these problems. This is a combination of feedback and troubleshooting. I’d really appreciate responses that are helpful and constructive—if I’m doing something wrong, maybe the software could also be designed to be a little more user-friendly.
Thanks in advance! 
@NOTanITAdmin Welcome to the forum!
Some first short tips for you:
Uncheck this: Settings → Notifications → Ask to update existing login
No. Unfortunately, Bitwarden has no “duplicate removal/merge” function at the moment (see this feature request: Duplicate removal tool/report (including merge) and vote for it if you like). So in short, there are two ways I would say:
- If you have not that much duplicates: go into the web vault (vault.bitwarden.com or vault.bitwarden.eu) and manually compare the entries - the web vault has the better “view” and allows for bulk operations.
- If you have many many duplicate: an export of your vault, and e.g. delete duplicates via Excel might be quicker than method 1.
That’s the exact reason, why it is often recommended, to deactivate that feature at all …
Uncheck this: Settings → Notifications → Ask to add login
… and to first create the new login item in Bitwarden and then create your account with that. (or rather do it “parallel” - I often create the new item, drag and drop the password etc. in the account creation site… change the password in the login item if the site doesn’t accept it, drag and drop it again…)
That way is much more reliable.
If it doesn’t work for you “most of the time”, I would recommend having a look into this guide for the browser extension: Autofill Logins in Browser Extensions | Bitwarden Help Center and probably having also a look into URIs & match detection settings, as a precondition for autofill to work, is, that you have one or more of the important URIs associated with your login item, and the “match detection” settings are properly set (though, that shouldn’t be that wrong by default).
Welcome, @NOTanITAdmin to the community!
What @Nail1684 said, but there is an “reused password report” that does serve as a “find duplicates” report. The difference, of course, being that it is less effective if you tend to reuse passwords (in which case you ought to scowl sternly at yourself
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