✅ Require master password "re-prompt" for some items

Yes we need this feature ASAP


Not necessarily, you are 100% right.

However, I think these specific features (re-prompt + auto login icon) are really, really good ideas and Bitwarden would be a better product with them than without (even if Lastpass never existed).

Unfortunately, without this feature I do not feel sufficiently secure using bitwarden. Either I’m retyping my master password/pin every time I login or create a new account anywhere, or I’m staying logged in and any time I let someone look at something on my laptop they have 2 click access to my email, credit cards, and bank info.

I’ll be (very reluctantly) purchasing lastpass premium in the meantime, but if this gets implemented I would much rather use bitwarden. In the meantime I’ll be nuking my bitwarden vault.


Hi, As X-Lastpass user, I have to give kudos for devs having many premium-level features in Free trier. Now that aside, I see this is the top 3rd feature-request in the community, is there any plan on when this feature will be implemented and released?

Why is this feature planned for browsers only? (app:browser) In my opinion, this feature should be there across all platforms


Any news on this feature? Would love to see it added

I have similar feelings as you but what I have done to give a little more security without being too annoying, (as we know security and convenience must have some balance) is set my vault lock timeout to 15 minutes. That way after the specific amount of time it automatically locks and no one can get into my account. One thing that I did notice is that when the vault is locked and you login to a site or create a new login for a site you do not get the prompt to add the login information to your vault. It seems you only get this prompt when your vault is unlocked.

Please don’t make it a master password popup but instead a pin or a different password.

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+1 please implement this ASAP! It’s the only useful LastPass feature that’s missing from Bitwarden right now.

You can’t just have your critical passwords sitting unprotected… Stuff like financial services/banking, government services, emails, socials etc should always be protected by a second layer of security.

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I too am abandoning the LastPass ship and this is a feature that I really liked in LastPass.

I generally leave my various accounts logged in to my browser all the time, so I assume that anyone using my computer has access to whatever accounts happen to be logged in and I’m not that worried that the friend I’m letting borrow my laptop for for an hour is going to get into my Twitter account or whatever. What I don’t want is for them to be able to access my bank accounts, or to be able to see and potentially copy-paste my passwords (even if I generally trust them not to).

Having the option to make certain passwords (e.g. bank, government websites) and notes (e.g. account recovery backup 2FA codes, etc) require an extra layer of security is really important to me and something that I will miss while I’m getting used to this new service. I guess in the meantime I’m stuck retyping my master password a few times a day when I have to log into that one delivery service I haven’t used in a couple of months, or that weird forum I haven’t visited in a year, or that one website that somehow manages to forget my login session every few days.

Heck one way to implement this might be to just allow us to have two vaults with different timeouts so that I have one that locks after 30 minutes and one the locks on browser restart.


+1 Another layer of protect for super sensitive account would be really awesome.

You could use the PIN option. Unlock with PIN | Bitwarden Help & Support

Unlock with Biometrics is even easier. Unlock with Biometrics | Bitwarden Help & Support

I really love the PIN unlock because if someone is using my laptop, even if I trust them, I don’t want them messing with anything in my vault. Kids are bad about this, and I’ve often returned and my Twitter password is wrong or deleted. Or co-workers, don’t get me started on the pranks. I rather lock my vault after 1 minute and use the PIN to unlock it when I need stuff.


+1 from me; I’m a paying LastPass Premium subscriber who’s looking to jump to BW Premium. I love the other features (especially the basic feature of having a Modified Date/timestamp on items, which LP somehow doesn’t have) but the re-prompt is very important to me.

I do have to say, if after 3 years it’s still on the roadmap, that must be some hellacious roadmap. :slight_smile:


I have a feeling this feature is not high on the list because the PIN lock pretty much does this.

Instead of protecting one item at a time the PIN lock protects your whole vault which is a safer approach.

My issue with the pin is that the only way I feel secure using it is if I set the pin prompt to a really short time e.g. 1 minute. However its annoying having to continually enter my pin so often.

If I set the pin to a longer time e.g. 30 minutes, I would be paranoid about someone with physical access to my computer accessing my Bitwarden when I’m on a coffee break. And no, locking my Linux machine using ctrl+alt+L is not a secure option, someone that knows what they are doing could get in regardless.

Like others have said, this is the only useful feature Lastpass has that Bitwarden does not. Having options for both pin and reprompt for the master password would be more secure.

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This feature has gotten freshly re-prioritized :wink:


Good to hear! Bitwarden has a lot of good features, I’m surprised this one was never implemented :slight_smile:

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I used this feature a lot in DashLane, especially for secure notes but also for extra-sensitive sites. It’s actually the one lacking feature that’s preventing me from going all-in with BitWarden.


+1 for this feature. Recent Lastpass > Bitwarden convert.

Less concerned for myself as locking hygene pretty good. Extended fam still on Lastpass on my prior advice. Probably going to wait for this to encourage them to make the switch/


I would like to suggest that in some cases, instead of requiring the re-entry of the primary BW vault password, that an option be setup to allow either the vault PIN -or- biometric or one of the 2FA factors be allowed/selected/prioritized. Better yet, make that the default behavior. The 2FA is a stronger authenticator than a PIN, and so the capability should be supported as preferred and PIN is the alternative to a 2FA re-authentication to unlock the PIN.

Use case: using a Yubikey on a desktop and all that is needed to unlock the vault (logged in, but locked) is to touch the Yubikey or FIDO2 token or biometric authenticator as setup in BW as a 2FA.

Re-use case: This same technique to require a new authorization/authentication (i.e. an elevated privilege action requires some form of re-authentication corresponding to the elevation of privilege) can be applied to things like “view password” and must be included in the shortcut key and mouse-menu pathways to perform the same action.

I also am trying to migrate from LP to BW, but this and lack of templates are two huge blocking factors, and until then, LP will continue to get my money for an arguably better product.

I still hope that BW doesn’t become the Betamax of password managers to the other’s VHS offerings.


+1 great idea for super secret passwords.