Option to make browser extension window remain open and pinned (always on top)

Make a PIN (hairpin) !

I have shown only one scenario. I see this every time I set up Bitwarden in a new browser, i.e. I am guaranteed to open its settings 2 times. I know this is his problem, and every time I try to guess the sequence of clicks so that the window does not close 2 times. Such a game, thank you.

This shows that the “no X-button” strategy chosen by Bitwarden does not work.
In my opinion, half of the forum here is devoted to this problem - how to fix the window from closing. The goal of Bitwarden - convenience when closing the window - deprived us of 1 click. Thank you. But you also added its HUGE problems due to the inability to copy a sequence of 2 lines of login and password.

I have shown in this picture a situation where you can get small problems without even reaching the password page. Bitwarden closes after one question from the Browser.

There is a well-known expression “Shoot yourself in the foot.” This situation accurately reflects it. The Russians still have one expression “They wanted the best, but it turned out as always” :slight_smile:

That is, I just won’t physically help you get to 2 daws in the settings. That is, I always have to log in 2 times to my favorite program :slight_smile:

Here is my old, slightly delayed video (bug-report).

I have already had several posts with pictures on this topic. It’s been about 2 years now. Besides me, dozens and hundreds of users on this forum are asking for this pin. Tens and hundreds of thousands more users are simply silent outside the forum.

You had also posted this same thing in the UI Design Refresh conversation. Did you happen to notice dflinn’s post that offered an immediate workaround (in the preview) and her later post that explained the longer-term solution?

I can see how you would feel that way, given that over half of your posts have been on this topic, but in reality it is in 9th place on the voting roster, so observer-bias may be playing a role.

Grb has been trying to collect all those posts into single feature request so that the votes add together and elevate the topic. If you are aware of posts on the same topic, please tag him ( @grb – just like that) so he can further consolidate the votes.


@serega_da @DenBesten I have now merged four duplicate feature request threads on this topic, bringing the vote total to 24.

There is a different feature request relevant to the same underlying problem, which proposes a different solution (“Persistent Bitwarden UI and maintain unsaved data”). On this latter feature proposal, there have recently been positive developments, in that the browser extension beta release version 2024.11.999 now includes an initial implementation of a “persistent UI”. However, it appears that this new functionality still has some problems in this first implementation.

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I watched this video of yours, but did not see any example of a pinned browser extension popup. Could you share a specific link & timestamp?

I haven’t seen anything written by @DenBesten that warrants such a hostile reaction. Please review the Community Guidelines on respectful communication before posting again. I believe he was only correcting your assertion that “half of the forum here is devoted to this problem” (clearly hyperbole, and demonstrably inaccurate).

the time-link is as follows: to rise [20 cm above](Jun 2023) the second video

1 video shows that there is still a Chromim extension that can perfectly stay on the screen for as many clicks as you want. In my opinion, all translator extensions have this behavior.

2 video shows that the “LOGIN-PASSWORD” paradigm invented by mankind treacherously destroys the “ONE CLICK” strategy chosen by Bitwarden. Well, the “LOGIN-PASSWORD” =/= “ONE CLICK” does not fit in any way. Humanity has made a mistake again. People need 2 text lines, people need to copy these lines from somewhere and somewhere. The “ONE CLICK” does not come out.

To say simply, there are 2 equivalent options:

– unpinning the extension window
– fixing the extension window, to pin

But if they are equivalent, why have the developers been so persistent for several years (I can only remember since 2022, and what happened before?) are only 1 option forcibly imposed ?
Extensions for browser? Yes. Why detach it from the browser?

I do not know of any such extension that detaches from the browser. Why? Because no one needs it.

read the comments between these 2 videos of mine – kocoten1992
I just feel his pain as if it were my own.
This comment should be raised in the header and make it the motto of this topic.

It’s been 5 years. No positive movement.
What do you think I should choose in 2024 – the old border-radius:0 or PIN ?

Time is measured in minutes and seconds, not centimeters.

Your “2 video” is the same video that I already watched.

I watched 30 seconds of your “1 video” but only saw someone randomly clicking on various extensions and then clicking on an image in a browser tab (causing the extensions to close).

If there is something important to see in your videos, please provide a relevant timestamp, as requested.

it’s simple: it means that the video has already found its viewer, and it wasn’t shot for you.

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OK, so then there are no examples showing a Chromium extension that stays open when focus is returned to the browser tab, after all?