Propose moving “Fill” to left edge where it is easily accessible, and making an “Open” button where the “Fill” button is now. See attached image.
@jgaffphoto Welcome to the forum!
Your request seems to be related to the Bitwarden Password Manager product (not the
developer toolset), so I moved your post to the relevant section of the Community Forum.
In addition, I modified the title of your post to focus only on your first suggestion (moving the “Fill” button to the left side). All feature request posts should only propose a single new feature (otherwise it becomes impossible to interpret the vote counts). If you wish, please open a separate Password Manager Feature Request topic for your proposal about the “Open” button.
I agree that there are benefits to relocating the “Fill” button to the left side, and I have made this suggestion myself in the UI feedback thread:
Specifically, I had proposed that the “Fill” button be moved to the left side and be combined with the item’s icon (to create a larger click target without wasting horizontal space) and to replace the word “Fill” with a skeuomorphic icon (so that the button width does not change when the UI language is changed), as shown in the mock-up below:
The benefits of such a design include the following:
The “Fill” button is always in a consistent location, independent of how many icons/buttons are displayed to the right of the item name.
The click target is in a prominent location (aligned with the left edge, at the start of the item name), which is appropriate for a key function such as autofilling.
The click target for autofilling is larger (by having the button comprise both the “fill” icon and the item icon), without taking any extra vertical space.
The same button location could be used for “forced autofill” when the item does not have a URI match for the open browser tab, making for a consistent UX. As discussed in my original proposal, if the button action corresponds to “forced autofill”, then the button appearance should be different.