I have no idea what category or tags to use for this little bug request, please fix as needed
A topic was closed, and yet my vote was not retuned to me. I expect the vote to be returned to me on topic closure.
I don’t know if BW hosts their own Discourse instance or if you use CDCK/Discourse provided hosting where they manage everything for you.
Maybe it’s the Voting plugin which wasn’t updated when you updated discourse in case you self-host, maybe it’s a bug in the plugin itself, but I wanted to point this out.
If you want, i can cross post on https://meta.discourse.org as well.
That’s a very old topic (end of 2023). This means that possibly a large number of BW forum users might be affected by this voting bug.
Does this also mean that BW forum wasn’t updated in a very long time? Or that i cast my vote before end of 2023? That’s unclear to me after reading (diagonally ]) the discourse topic.
Anyway, as far as i can see, i (every user?) has to take their vote themselves, as the vote was still not released even after opening and closing the topic. I have 2 notifications that the vote was released, but i still see the vote on the topic.
Hey all, just to circle back on this one, when a feature request is closed, at first you’ll still see the message shown in the screenshot above ‘X Remove vote’ but if you refresh, you should see your updated total remaining votes.
If you’re seeing something different after refreshing, let me know.
@dwbit i can confirm this issue happened once more, maybe for one of the ‘ssh agent’ topics: the topic was closed but my vote was not returned to me. I had to manually take it back.
I didn’t take any screenshots, so i have nothing to give you for this occurrence.
Thanks for the update! Even when working normally, you’ll see the option to reclaim your vote at first, but everything should be working normally. We’ll keep our eyes out for any issues.
For what its worth, this same exact thing has been happening to me forever. I get notifications that a topic was closed/added/etc and I should have a vote back. Even when I remove my vote manually from the topic that supposedly gave me my vote back already, I still have not had a single new vote in over a year and a half or two. I just assumed Bitwarden changed how many votes we get and I just had more than whatever the new limit was. Kept waiting to see when I would actually get to vote on something new.
Edit to say now I actually have two votes which I can use normally.
Sorry for the late reply dwbit. There are 18 topics that do not have a lock next to them, 2 that are locked. And when I hoover over a vote button which I have not voted for, it shows I have 2 votes remaining.
So all is good now and thank you for whatever you guys did to fix that - it had been years since I was able to vote on anything new