Limit search history at Bitwarden

Feature name

Limit search history at Bitwarden

Feature function

  • What will this feature do differently?
    For example I would hide the types of filters, folders. Something like:

case 1 - display folders, filters: false

case 1.1 - result if display folders, filters: false

case 2 - display folders, filters: true

case 2.1 result if display folders, filters: true

What benefits will this feature bring?

  1. “More security for users, organizations that use Bitwarden”
  2. “This allows users to hide things”
  3. Example … I can for enable/disable filters or enable/disable folders … when I click in Display filters, folders? - If true ( enable filter/enable folder) else(false - disable filters/folders)
  4. This can be useful for premium organizations and users
  5. We can have a list of keywords something similar to e-mail blacklist to prevent certain people from having access to things that should not have access

Complementary Feature

  • List of Words (word dictionary) that can not be searched by the search at Bitwarden. Example: “The user in the organization cannot look up another user’s account.” - This is already done, but could place search restrictions to prevent keywords from being searched.

Related topics + references

@bw-admin - How are you? What do you think of this idea? @dh024

Interesting idea. I can see at least one possible use case, in which people want to create an “Archived” folder of unused credentials that they don’t want to delete but also don’t want to appear in their searches.

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  1. My idea is the totality of ideas: Archive old accounts , Add option to hide passwords from general search
  2. In summary: archive-old-accounts+add-option-to-hide-passwords-from-general-search = Limit search history at Bitwarden
  3. Would it be possible to merge these two ideas?

I think these feature requests are sufficiently distinct, so they should not be merged. Instead, feel free to add a post to each thread directing users to your idea here - then people can add a vote if they like, and the devs can also trace back to hear for inspiration. Cheers!

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Hi Community … I hope helps

1- Feature name

Options to limit password viewing

2- Feature function

  • 1 What will this feature do differently?
    This feature brings together the following features:

    1. Limit Search History at Bitwarden case 1
    2. Add option to hide passwords from general search case 2
    3. Archive accounts case 3
  • 2 - But… what is the “Options to limit password viewing” feature?

    1. You can have more security with search limiting, basically you hide filters, tags and folders by clicking ‘hide filters, tags and folders’ button - "low security level"
    2. You can archive your passwords in the ‘archive’ folder, this prevents the password from being searched - "medium security level"
    3. If you want more security, you can create a list of allowed and disallowed keywords to limit which passwords will be searched and which passwords will not be searched… - "high security level"
  • 3 - What benefits will this feature bring?

    1. It gathers all the necessary resources to increase the security of organizations, people, users.
    2. “More security for users, organizations that use Bitwarden”
    3. “This allows users to hide things”


Case 1 - display folders, filters: false

Case 1.1 - result if display folders, filters: false

Case 1.2.1 - display folders, filters: true

Case 1.2.2 - result if display folders, filters: true

Case 2 - Add option to hide passwords from general search - options

Case 2.1 - Add option to hide passwords from general search - whitelist


  • Case 2.1: You can only search these words as [‘account1’ or ‘account2’ or ‘account3’], the rest are ignorant of the search field - passwords will not be shown
Case 2.2 - Add option to hide passwords from general search - blacklist


  • Case 2.2: You can’t search for things like these words as [ ‘account1’ or ‘account2’ or ‘account3’], these words preclude the search. That is, these accounts with these words are hidden from the search field.
case 3 - Archive old accounts


  • Case 3: Here is the folder where the accounts are archived

More notes

1 - Database and rules to help:
  1. Feature name: Limit Search History at Bitwarden - type: “Boolean: true|false”
  2. Feature name: Add option to hide passwords from general search - type: “LONGTEXT”
  3. Feature name: Archive old-accounts - type: “Boolean: true|false"
2 - API - “Application Programming Interface”
  1. "" - return json with array
  2. "" - return json with array
  3. "" - true/false
  4. "" - true/false
3 - API with sample
  1. "" or
  2. "" or
  3. "" or
  4. "" or
  5. "" or
  6. "" or
  7. "" or
  8. "" or
4 - Samples with API - “Application Programming Interface”:
sample 1: "" return json with array
keywords: [
        "keyword": "account1",
        "keyword": "account2"
        "keyword": "account3"
sample 2: "" return json with array
keywords: [
        "keyword": "account1",
        "keyword": "account2"
        "keyword": "account3"
5. More, more notes
  1. These features have not been implemented to the best of my knowledge, here is just a rough draft, concept and initial idea
  2. My goal is to help the Bitwarden community
  3. Initial considerations in case 2:
    1. If you have a keyword dictionary it is possible to hide your passwords from the search.
    2. For example, in computer networks if you do not want to allow certain ips to access a page you have a list called blacklist, this list is a plain text list that provides a list of ips or a range of ips that will not access the website
    3. This blacklist is conceptually called the list of disallowed keywords…
    4. So… “Whitelist” is the list of allowed keywords and disallowed keywords is “blacklist”
    5. Search engines use a file called robots.txt that tells the browser or google crawler whether to search for certain words or not.
6. References

@dh024 @bw-admin @tgreer @abl1822 @Crocmagnon @Macta @Ed2K @Shipp @OpSec @Bob What do you think of this idea?

Like the idea and example you made, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it to get implemented. It’s been 3 years since the first time this was asked as a feature.

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thank you for feedback :slight_smile: