Is there a log for the addon?

Is there a log for Bitwarden Chromium addon?

I reinstalled my Windows and after re-adding Bitwarden, a long lost clipboard issue re-emerged.

I go to address bar, copy the URL, alt+tab to a different app, and the paste is grayed out.
Go to address bar, copy address. Then Right click address bar, and it says “paste” and “Paste and go to http://…”. Alt tab. Clipboard empty. Win+V is blank (if cleared before the test).

I remember having this issue and somehow getting rid of it. I went into settings, unset and reset all kinds of settings, now we wait. But is there a debug mode, so I know for sure that Bitwarden called a clipboard clear?

I could try to debug the entire browser but it’s very large and it doesn’t isolate BW.

I am using BW Chromium addon in Edge.

Correction: further experiments show that while pasting is not working, Win+V DOES have it. Ctrl+V does nothing in any apps. Content-aware apps show Paste as disabled.

This strongly points to clipboard being emptied, as opposed to not copied or something else being copied in it.

Also, setting and unsetting clipboard clear in BW addon setting did not affect the issue.

@Ndi Welcome to the forum!

Does the problem disappear if you disable or uninstall the Bitwarden browser extension?

Also, you could try some of the diagnostic trouble-shooting procedures that were suggested in the following thread, and see if that provides any further insight:

Ok. Update. (TL;DR below)

After thorough investigation, I narrowed it to browser + one addon, Bitwarden.
So it hit me, what if it isn’t Bitwarden at all, but the browser itself? I’m old so I have anachronistic habits. I use arrow keys to play games, I use outdated shortcuts like Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins, stuff like that.

I noticed that if I ctrl+ins fails 6/10 times, but if I click “share” on the web page, like on YouTube, it works 10/10. As a result, I switched to Ctrl+c and noticed that, while not perfect, it got better, with 2/10 fail rate.

So I started digging into Edge reports and, in an obscure forum, I stumbled upon several people who (coincidentally also had Bitwarden) and one that used lastpass. Similar, but not identical issue.

What we all had in common was Edge and a fresh install. Somehow, fresh installs of Edge did this. (I even mention in my OP that I had this after a previous install)

Onwards then. After looking into symptoms, I realized that cleared passwords are not aligned as last item in Win+V, whereas mine was, as if it WERE in the clipboard, yet Shift+insert failed, along with Ctrl + V and right click > paste (grayed out).

This pointed to an issue with the clipboard format. So what I did is select an edit box, went to Win+V, and clicked the last item and it pasted. So Win+V knew it was text, knew it was to be pasted into a TextEdit and converted it. It seemed to be increasingly likely what I had there was a “rich” copy.

Of course, I had double checked the setting was “plain” in edge, and after digging around I found someone complaining that Edge, when installed and synced via browser sync, sets the clipboard in a malformed way. The UI says it’s plain. Ctrl+C on a page reads the setting differently, Ctrl+Ins even worse, but SetText from a page worked (cause it’s just text).

Basically, because “copy links as rich/plain” was set ambiguously somehow (-1/null being interpreted as yes and no by different parts of code?), that made it iffy. Forum post suggested an update fixed it, but I managed it with setting it to rich, restarting browser and then plain and restarting the browser.

It’s been a week and no copy paste ops went iffy, I am calling this closed.


If you see what you copied in Win+V, it’s likely Edge/Chromium is treating it as rich instead of plain text, making regular paste operations fail. Set/reset the clipboard setting as “plain”. And clicking your text in Win+V may paste regardless.

Great work — and thanks for posting the update! :clap: