Can you please share more details aroudn the risk of implementing such feature !
I was voting to have this feature but to be honest i did not feel like i need it for the past 1 year,
via using the keyboard shortcut provided with bitwarden
to generate the password if needed !
As I said previously, I want this feature more for the end users (and family) I support. Having an overlay is quite simply more intuitive, and I am not going to instruct any of them about keyboard shortcuts. Focus on ease of use and intuitiveness is why Apple products are popular.
And certainly you’re not doing yourself any favors by not offering functionality that most of the competition also has.
Can you describe with more details about the security issues?
As far as I know, this should even improve the security by giving the users an explicit visual indication of which fields will be filled. I also don’t know any past security issue related to the popup interface from other password manager extensions that had this feature by default for years and I would even say there is a trend of new extensions using the icon, like DuckDuckGo (#7 most popular on Firefox) and Grammarly (#12).
Read the first few posts in this thread - that is where they are mentioned. Lastpass already had an issue with their implementation, so I think that has many people concerned about how Bitwarden might implement a similar feature.
Paul, if you are trying to reach the Bitwarden team, you should use the contact form on their website. Otherwise, you are essentially only reaching the user community by posting this here.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, currently the quickest way to auto-fill in Bitwarden is by using Ctrl/CMD + Shift + L to cycle through credentials matching the current URI.
Just chiming in to say the work on this GitHub contribution thread looks the likeliest to evolve into a final implementation.
If you or anyone you know have some experience in web development, feel free to jump in. I myself would love to learn, and absolutely would just to work on this… if only I had more time…
After all, that’s what open source is all about: the community can contribute to the development themselves, rather than just waiting for the company to do everything.
I lack the skills to contribute, so I pay for premium to support the company so they can ‘contribute on my behalf’, if you will. The more individuals who buy premium, the more money Bitwarden makes from individual users rather than enterprises, so the more devs they can hire to implement the features we want. If enterprise users are the only ones paying, it makes sense that the paid developers should prioritize their needs/wants over ours.
Open source is a gift. Don’t look it in the mouth unless you’re prepared to do your part. Upvoting the feature request is one thing; nagging the official devs about it is another.
IMO premium subscribers (and employees of companies that pay for enterprise) should get some kind of flair on this forum, to help amplify voices of those who are actually supporting the project. Also maybe another flair for contributors whose code has made it into a release.
Thank you for the answer.
We see for a few years that this is the quickest way to do so. Would appreciate to know if it’s on any timeline to be implemented.
It has many votes and big discussion, but with no answers
2022 here - I’d really like this added… I did find on the forums Crtl+Shift+L, and that just worked super nicely. However, I transitioned from LastPass and loved this feature. I really expected to see a little BitWarden logo on all my login fields. Thanks devs tho, clearly you work hard on this tool.