I have issue autofill my bank app with bitwarden in android phone

Note: Your question may already be answered in the Bitwarden Help Center.

Please if anyone successful doing thes and able to autofil correct information to bank application in mobile

Please let me know how

As in my bank i have selective character to write in Everytime

Let same i have key of


Everytime i login app asked to put some digit let say digit no 1 and no 7 and no 8

Ao it has to fill

1 7 8

I successfully able to do it in chrome desktop and it work perfect

But woth same bank on app can’t do that

Please help

This might help you:

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I have no problem logging in to my bank’s website using Bitwarden , and it used to work in the mobile … Bitwardenr Android Autofill issues.

My Balance Now

Can u please explain more

How exactly to do so

How you chk the name 8n the mobile app ?

Take a look at this: How do I find the URI for an Android app?

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I don’t need the URL as it could be correctly in my case however I need to see the HTML coding for the application so I can know what is the name of the password for each character so I can name it in a custom field

See here: Easier than Ever: Create Custom Fields in a few Clicks | Bitwarden Blog


This is pretty easy and i did it in deakttop

But for mobile app i can not see the element to know the name of the field

Kindly advise