Brand newbie here, pls excuse if not normal request.
You say " Hey there, you can already move multiple items to a folder," and I sure can’ t find how. Spent the PM messing around and need help. Pls.
@Cmjh Welcome to the forum!
You can only do this from the Web Vault. Use the check boxes to select multiple items, then click the kebab icon (3 vertical dots) that is in the list header (right next to the “Owner” column header). There, you will see options for moving or deleting the selected items.
Thanks for the reply.
OK I go to the Vault where I see a list of “types” and “folders” . 2) I open General since that’ s where LastPass signons got dumped in a single folder called " general" and 3) I look for check boxes here and when I open, say USAir, and still no check boxes. 4) when I go back and check another site (say Delta) I lose contact with USAir so basically I am moving one item after another out of General folder into the Travel, Health,… folders. Very, very tedious so I know I’m on the wrong track.
Can you continue to help me? I now see I’m not the only one that has had this problem, but I don’ t see how they resolved it. Did they leave Bitwarden?
It sounds like you are using the browser extension. You can only do the bulk move/delete actions from the Web Vault. To access the Web Vault client, log in at
It should look like this:
08mar23 Hi grb and thanks for the reply.
Of course you’re kidding, right? Open my secure BW vault from my leaky malware-infested browser instead of from my open-source, secure BW app and/or extension (both give me access to my BW vault - or so I thought).
I think one option may be to export my newly up-to-date BW vault into a spreadsheet and operate on it there to get an efficient organization of folder assignments. That way all vault exposure is done in secure software. Good idea or no?
BTW I apologize for asking multiple times, but the inquiries were directed to specific members who had posted solutions, not aimless shots in the dark. And lo, some of the solutions suggested have turned out to be for earlier versions of BW. (I hate multiple posters, too.)
As your computer is evidently malware-infested, this is a terrible idea (and so is accessing your vault, no matter what app or extension you are using). Clean up your computer and set up proper malware defenses before accessing a password manager.
This exchange seems to have wandered off subject. Excuse please my flattering comparison between Bitwarden software and other commercial browsers. I have chromebooks, so malware isn’t really a problem. Getting items into folders is the problem. To clarify your description: the Vault in the BW app and BW extension is not the same as the BW vault from a browser? If so, that’s useful news. Thanks.
There seems to be some confusion. Bitwarden is not a browser (although the Desktop app is implemented using a browser engine).
The “vault” is an abstraction, not a real thing. The back-end implementation consists of a set of database records that store your passwords (and other “vault” contents), on a cloud server hosted by Bitwarden (or technically, hosted by Amazon in server space leased by Bitwarden).
To access the database records in the cloud, you need a client app that runs on your device. Bitwarden offers various types of clients apps (as well as a command-line interface), including two versions that run in your browser using Javascript: one of these is the browser extension (the code for which is installed and remains in persistent storage on your device), and the other one is the so-called “web vault” app, which uses Javascript code that is delivered to your device on-the-fly when your browser navigates to webpages stored on the host. Bitwarden’s Desktop app runs the required Javascript code using the Electron platform, which is based on the Chromium browser engine.
Much of the Javascript codebase that runs each client app is the same, whether you are using the Web Vault client, the Desktop client, a browser extension client, etc. However, some of the client apps have unique capabilities: for example, the browser extension can auto-fill data into web forms, which the Web Vault app and the Dektop app cannot do. The ability to multi-select vault items for bulk move/delete operations is unique to the Web Vault app (instructions were provided in my response above, and are also available in the documentation).
Whichever client you are running, after the client app successfully authenticates itself to Bitwarden’s servers, it is allowed to download a copy of the database records pertaining to your vault (using the HTTPS protocol with TLS encryption in transit). These data are stored on your device in a textfile using the JSON format. As long as the client app remains logged in, it uses the locally cached JSON file when presenting your “vault” contents to you. So is this a different “vault”? It is a different instance of your “vault”, but Bitwarden synchronizes the database copies, so that when you make changes to one of the locally stored JSON files, these changes are propagated first to the cloud, and then to any other open client apps (which incorporate the changes into their cached JSON files).
P.S. This has turned more into a a tutorial and is indeed off-topic to the OP’s feature request. I will move this discussion inot its own topic in the Ask the Community forum.
Superb job of explaining the role of abstraction!
No, I’d no idea of what was going on that could explain the way the Vault changed depending on the caller. Very glad you put your explanation in tutorial so all can access this info.
Just to let everyone know: I found this thread because I couldn’t find the options in the three dot menu. It was because I had language set to Spanish. Only if I set the language to English I can see the Move selected and Move selected to Organization. In Spanish there’s only “Delete selected” (badly translated too: it shows “Eliminar selección”, meaning “Delete selection”…)
There shouldn’t be a different number of entries for different languages. This is a bug.
Hi @grokker and welcome to the community
This seems odd as the translations in our web-vault
are the following:
Move selected → Mover selección (taken from Crowdin)
Move selected to Organization → Mover los seleccionados a la organización (taken from Crowdin)
Could you please share a screenshot showing the issue.
Kind regards,
I don’t see the Move Selected option in the organization vault! Only in My Vault can I bulk move items into a folder. The only option I see in the org is Delete Selected (for the topmost kebab 3 dot menu). Bulk actions will always be essential and we are clearly lacking some powers.
(Aside1: The multi-select boxes are incredibly sensitive, so it’s easy to miss and open an item, clearing selection work to that point.)
(Aside2: I would like the org items to inherit the folders I had until I moved it out of My Vault. And Move Selected To Organization I’d like to run at the folder level.)
I found this post as a result of a search on how to move items, and after scrolling all the way to the bottom, found my symptoms - can’t move items in an organisation.
Incredibly frustrating.
And both of your Asides match my experience, too: undoing your selection work by a mouse miss, and losing the organisation you had in your vault when you move to an organisation (which drives the need for bulk move within the organisation, which you don’t have)
Wow, I just found out how to move multiple items in an organisation to a folder. It sucks, and its multi-step, but it can be done. I suggest doing it with two browser windows open (or a browser window and the desktop app).
@Briscar, if you’re still following, and still need to do this, this is how you do it:
- Set up your folder structure in your vault first (or at least the folder you’re about to move to) - in the same window you’re going to do the move in (as the web UI can be slow to spot the existence of a new folder and it’s much easier if you have the destination folder ready to go).
- Given that the UI shows the alphabetically first folder in the UI, there’s some merit in adding the folders one by one, and adding the folder with the latest starting letter first, and moving items into it first, and repeating) - that way, the folder that appears in the UI is the one you want.
- You have to set up the folder from the organisation you want it in.
- But you can move in bulk only from either your personal vault, or All Vaults
- Select All Vaults
- Using your other window, hopefully you’ve identified a search / selection of items to move (e.g. all logins with in them to the email folder.
- Repeat that search in your browser
- Only select those items in the vault where you’re doing the folder move (because you’ll have other vaults listed.
- Now you can select the kebab (vertical ellipsis) and do the Move selected option.
@BJReplay Thank you, this was very helpful.
I would just like to add on this that you can only move multiple items from your personal vault to a personal/organizational collection and not items that are already in the organization.
I have tested this feature also within the Admin Console of the Web Vault and this is not possible. @grb this makes reorganising the BitWarden space very tedious as every time you make a change to the name of an item or you need to move it to a different collection, there is a propagation time.