From lastpass to Bitwarden

I just don’t see it that way at all though, “essential” by its very definition is something that is absolutely necessary and cannot be removed without something else failing.

Notifying you when they guess that a login should be updated or made is in no way essential, sure it is a very nice QoL feature (when it works), but at then end of the day it is a luxury, you take that feature out and Bitwarden still works perfectly well as a password manager.

I’m not sure you could say the same thing for electricity in a house, especially in a modern world, I mean yes, the house still works as shelter, but I digress. I think a better analogy would be like having an extra ground floor bathroom or something like that. Definitely nice to have but not essential.

I just think people need to have a reality check on what they deem as essential and ragging on a platform for having different priorities than them.


I’ve found a hybrid solution.

The only reason I was thinking of migrating off LP was the new price hike. They have set it up so you can stay at the zero price if you only use LP on your phone or only on you laptop/computer… but not both.

So, I’m not a big phone guy. I have a Samsung Android (cuz iphones are for people with limited understanding of computer settings) and I now use BW only on my phone. I have both the LP and BW addons installed on my browser, but LP is my default and I only turn BW addon on when I need to add a new login, so it will sync and work on my phone with BW. Which so far in a week only happened one time. No big deal.

So… best of both worlds. BW on my phone, and LP on my laptop.

Pass it on.

In my case, I am missing the extra categories LP has

Like what? The extra secure note categories like WiFi, eye prescription, etc?

This. So much this.

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I, myself, am unclear what the uses are for so many preset categories in LastPass. Categorization, to me, is such an arbitrary thing. I also have a media server where I store my movies, shows, and music—and I can’t abide the automatic genre detection it allows.

If anything, there should be custom categories, not preset ones. Then we could have as many or as few as we want, and name them whatever we want. EDIT: But then we have Custom Fields with editable names, and we have Folders.

So why would we need sub-types for Notes that isn’t present elsewhere?

…I’m actually asking. To what use is having sub-types for Notes?


Exactly my point to most of the comparisons people are making between LP and BW. Can they actually explain why they are missing the feature or want the feature, more than just because platform X has it, so I want it?

How I see it, the more custom and one-off features they implement, the harder it is going to upkeep and the more bloated it will become. I would much prefer a general purpose and easy to use system that I can bend to my specific needs how I see fit. Something personally, I think BW has done well with the custom fields, folders, and free organizations. I only wish that one-off shares was easier beyond copying the data into a “Send” and that we could undo the transfer of ownership to an organization.

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Blockquote I have a Samsung Android (cuz iphones are for people with limited understanding of computer settings)

Really? How did you come up with that? I’m sure there are many iPhone users who are tech geniuses. Saying something like that is really not necessary. So, you heard that somewhere and you think you are cool cause you use Android… Ohh…

To be fair, Android does afford a much greater degree of customization, and often for less money. Additionally, Apple markets its products as being user friendly to the layperson.

On the other hand, that doesn’t mean Apple users are all stupid. They just have different priorities than Android users.

But I digress…

Sure, but that has nothing to do with ‘limited understanding of computer settings’. I’m sure there are plenty of Android users who have no idea how to use/change most of settings that they have. There are many reasons why people use one or other brand and generalizing in any way is never a good option. This is forum about ‘bitwarden’ not hey, I’m cool cause I use android.


I too don’t want Bitwarden to become bloatware.

I can remember when Microsoft Word was fairly easy to use, but it became bloatware a long time ago.


As a Canadian it wasnt going to cost me $30.00 a year for last pass, it was going to cost me over $51.00 dollars a year. I used to pay $12.00 a year for lastpass. Then they sold the company then it became free now they want to charge $51 a year to use on a 2nd device?

1password is worse. They were going to charge me $64.00 (81.00 USD) not sure how it comes to that considering its $3.99 a month or $7.99 a month. Worst part is they are based back east in Toronto Canada

I agree. As much as i love lastpass i cant justify paying the amount they want. I realise that bitwarden and lp are not exactly the same, nor do i expect them to, but like you cant complain with the cost bw charges, now if they change it to asking for 50 dollars then i wont pay it. I use bw on my pc and cell and use lp as back up on my cellphone

I agree with what your saying. We all can’t expect everything to be like lastpass. I find its a bit of an adjustment after using lastpass for so many years. I’m actually using 3 different ones right now. Bitwarden, zoho and so i can see which one i like best.

So far i like all 3 but its just me finding that balance of what fits my needs.

I also look at cost. I really also prefer an autofill. So far autofill has been working good with 0 problems

To be honest there was times i had issues with lastpass, and my auto fill did not always work as well,.

A pw is a must for me so much easier to remember one pw then the 400 different ones i have.

Honestly, one thing I like a lot with Bitwarden is the forums. Lastpass’ “Support Discussions” page feels like a support portal. This legit feels like a community.


As I mentioned above I think, to bypass the LP cost, install LP on your laptop and BW on your phone and laptop. Only use LP on your laptop. Only use BW on your phone. In the rare occasion when you add a new login, you turn the laptop BW addon back on and log into the site to have either BW or LP capture the missing login so its available on the other device. Unless you add a lot of log ins it works great. Get to keep LP and BW is not so bad for a phone password system. If you use your phone more, reverse the above.

When I installed BW, I deleted LP fairly soon after. Using one password manager is much better than going between several, for me. BW does all I need it to and I’ve gained using it on whatever device I choose. I used LP for many years and I’m not knocking it. I just didn’t like the limitation they were imposing along with the higher cost. I’m a happy premium BW user.


Wow this sounds like someone who enjoys just creating a complex solution for himself; good luck to you, but I don’t know why you wouldn’t just use Bitwarden on your laptop as well. LOL


Because it doesn’t have the field icon to easily fill the login info. Its not a complex solution, its very simple on a day to day. Plus, I hardly use my phone to browse so its easy for me. I’ll switch to BW for all once they get out of Beta.

Yeah, neither would I but whatever works for him, it’s ok. My problem would not be adding new password but more changing passwords and keeping them up-to-date in both systems. Soon, that would become too much work for me.
Bitwarden doesn’t have icon, but it does have shortcut to fill info and for me, that works great.

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