Free org (2 persons) in self-hosted environment

Dear all,

Would you please help me to understand, how I can get a license file for a free org (2 persons) into my self-hosted environment? When I have logged in into the cloud-hosted vault with the same mail address and create a new free org, I am not able to download the license file, which is needed to be imported into the self-hosted environment.

Thanks for your support!


As far as I know, you don’t need a license file to create a 2 person organization.
You can follow these instructions to create an organization Organizations | Bitwarden Help & Support

That’s true in the cloud-hosted Bitwarden, so I have already created a free org there. When you’re self-hosting a Bitwarden, you need to get a license file from the cloud-hosted environment to be uploaded into your self-hosted one. The problem is, I can’t find a possibility to download the Free Org license file anywhere.

Any ideas?


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Right now the free 2 person org is only supported on the cloud hosted version.

That’s a shame. You guys might want to update the feature table here then to say that the Free Org is for cloud only:

Well, this was exactly the URL I was basing my efforts on to set up a self-hosted environment. I wanted to run a 2 person free org in it to share passwords with another person and definitely in a self-hosten environment.

If the only option to do this now with a plan for 6 users charging me $3.33/month (= almost $40/year) this is getting unattractive and switching to a cloud-hosted vault using a free org is not an option for me as well.

The page mentioned above clearly states, the Free Org supports cloud- and self-hosted environments but it seems to be not (yet?) implemented.

Is there any visibility, when this will be enabled?

PS: It is not necessarily about the money, but if I only need 2 users, I would be happy to be charged e.g. 10 bucks / year to run this, but not 40.

Hmm…I never knew about this.

Thanks, @John101 - apologies for the error in the page, we have since adjusted it. At this time there isn’t a plan to make the free 2-person organization available for self-hosting.

That’s really a sad story!

Are there any plans to provide a smaller package than 6 users? I only need 2 users so the free org would have been the ideal setup and, of course, I am willing OK to pay something for the license but not for 6 users when I only need two of them.

Maybe there is also a chance to escalate this idea again and re-evaluate to make the free org available for self-hosting - where is the difference in giving it for free in cloud-hosted vs. self-hosted environments?


Dear Trey, dear David, dear Bitwarden community,

I’ve noticed an update on which now states again, that a “Free Org” is now possible for both “Cloud or Self-hosting”. I am more than happy to see, this is now possible. Would you please confirm, what I need to do now to get a 2-person free org activated in my self-hosted environment, please?

Thank you very much in advance and I really apprecaite this move from Bitwarden! THANKS!


Hi @John101!

It looks like this is also a typo on the help site (the same matrices were used on the other page) - apologies again.

However, we have begun to look into this for self-hosting as you do raise good points :+1:

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Has there been any progress since then? I am also looking to setup a free organization for 2 people on a self-hosted setup.

The Organization > Subscription tab on the SAAS/cloud account seems to suggest its possible:

To set-up your organization on your own server, you will need to upload your license file. To support Free Families plans and advanced billing capabilities for your self-hosted organization, you will need to set up billing sync.

However, I have no idea how to setup this “billing sync”

Hey @akeizer no updates at this time, the current plans and availability are listed here: About Bitwarden Plans | Bitwarden Help Center

Hello! Any updates? Same issue…

Hi all,
You should vote for my feature request. That’s exactly what I asked: free organization on self hosted environment.