Expose used ports through dockerfile for unified docker image

Feature name

  • Expose used ports in dockerfile so Plesk Obsidian can map them in an hosting environment using Plesk

Feature function

Used Ports will be exposed through dockerfile
Systems (like Plesk Obsidian) can automatically map the ports to a host defined inside plesk

Related topics + references

Plesk Dockerimplementation requires the used ports to be exposed in dockerfile do map to a webhost.
please add the “expose” lines to dockerfile, so an installation in plesk is possible

Hi @Khamulus and welcome to the community,

I am not super familiar with Plesk hosting (though I have dabbled a bit), but I am unfamiliar with how docker is ran from your hosting provider.

The Dockerfile and EXPOSE commands though you mention are for building your OWN docker container and images.

Typically to run a standard image, such as the Bitwarden Unified this can be done with either the docker run command, which allows you to specify the argument.

–publish , -p Map container ports to the host. The example shows the port 80:8080 mapped. Port 8443 is required when configuring SSL.

or by using docker compose as exampled below.

version: "3.8"

    image: bitwarden/self-host:beta
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "80:8080"

In this case the host port 80 of the actual machine running docker will be mapped (similar in nature to port forwarding on a router) to the internal docker container port 8080 which is used within the container and would be been EXPOSED when built by the Bitwarden team creating the official image. can be specified with the use of environment variables.

Hope that helps to better explain things for you, and you are able to get this running on your self-hosted instance.

We don’t EXPOSE ports in the Dockerfile because they can be dynamically set via the BW_PORT_HTTP and BW_PORT_HTTPS env vars.

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