Editing a login with Chrome extension

I’m running 2024.1.0 in Chrome on Win 11. If I want to edit an entry, I click the View icon from the extension for the login item, then the Edit button, and edit desired items. My issue is that I may want edit something and then access something on a web page or elsewhere to copy text to paste in the login item in Bitwarden. As soon as I click outside of the extension, the Bitwarden window closes before I finish editing, and I must start again and ensure that I don’t need to leave the extension to finish editing or save my edit and start again to add more. I guess I’d like the option to keep the edit window open until I close it. If this is by design, I’d like to know why, and if not, perhaps my post should be moved to Feature Requests.

There is a feature request thread available, here:


However, for your use-case, you could also use the “pop-out” button, although it is only available before you open an item for viewing:
